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Saturday 13 June 2009

Hadi Awang owes DAP, PKR an apology: Karpal

PENANG, 12 June 2009: DAP chairperson Karpal Singh said today PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang owed an apology to both the DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) for having proposed unity talks with Umno in what he described as a "clear breach of sincerity".

He said the DAP had criticised PAS leaders whenever they made statements that were extreme in racial and religious content.

"Hadi Awang is fast becoming an embarrassment to the Pakatan Rakyat, and after this he should think before he talks," he said in a statement issued here.

Karpal Singh said PAS spiritual leader and Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat was quoted as saying in an emotional and angry tone that these PAS leaders were out to destroy the party.

"Even Nik Aziz has publicly criticised his colleagues for pushing their agenda for unity talks with Umno," he said.

Hadi had proposed unity talks with Umno after opening the 55th PAS annual general assembly in Shah Alam recently.

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