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Saturday 2 May 2009

Salution to A Rebel With A Cause


Manikavasagam and Wife Malarkody Joins Thousands of Jayathas Well Wishers at a Dinner held to Raise Fund for his Kidney Transplant in India. Also present YB Siti Mariah (Kota Raja), YB Sivarasa (Subang), YB Gobind Singh (Puchong), YB Ravi (PD) and Human Right Lawyer N Surendran together Keadilan AMK Chief Shamsul Iskandar

There Comes a time, In every man’s life. He has to make a choice earlier to be a herd of sheep or a rebel with a cause.

Jayathas Sirkunavelu

A Melaka born lad, chose to give up

The comforts of modern day living

… preferring, to suffer pain over pleasure

To be incarcerated, abused and humiliated

All in the name of Justice

Jayathas Sirkunavelu

A Warrior , an activist

Defender of the voiceless

Imprisoned in ’02, ’03, ’07, ’08 and 2009

For championing human rights

Condemning police brutality and

Safeguarding the sanctity of Hindu temples


A day that’s etched in the collective conscience

Of every Malaysian Indian

The day when fear feared us

The day when the Malaysian Indians

Across the breath and width of the country

Descended to the capital city

To assert and demand our rights

The day when HINDRAF became a force

To be reckoned with

Jayathas Sirkunavelu

A Hero, forsake his future

Neglected his health

Now suffers Kidney failure

We , who are his brethren

Let’s take turn to save a hero

Who gave his best

For the betterment of us all.

I met Jayathas during Keadilan AMK Convention in year 2000 held in Trengganu. At that time , only 2 of us Indians attached to Keadilan AMK. Thereafter , Jayathas joined me at Police Watch Malaysia then into Hindraf as it’s coordinator.

The Act of Hindraf Chief suspending all State Coordinators , meant as strategic move to curb out Barisan Nasional planted Agents ” Ettapans” within us. Makkal Sakthi has won, it’s initial objective of formation. Just look how the Government of day mindset seems to be showing chances. Those , days only 5 to 10 of us with stage protest in front of police station. They will come in group and carry us away. Even , no news covered .

Now, we want to make police report they need water cannon and tear gas. Hundreds of Malaysian joining us a sign of more and more Malaysia been marginalised by ruling Government. Soon, entire Nation will stood up agains such injustice.

Let us pray for Jayathas well being, hopefully his kidney transplant be success and return home safely.

Valga Makkal Sakthi.

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