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Saturday 2 May 2009

Regulations On Part-time Work Expected To Be Enforced In June

MELAKA, May 1 (Bernama) -- Regulations governing part-time work for public and private sector workers after normal working hours are expected to come into effect in June.

Human Resource Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said his ministry was in the final stages of formulating the regulations for this under the Employment Act 1955.

"Presently, the government allows civil servants to do part time work but a number of issues have arisen because there are no specific regulations on this," he told reporters after opening Cuepacs 2008 Workers' Day celebrations here Friday.

Also present were Cuepacs president Omar Osman and Melaka state executive councillor R. Perumal. Cuepacs is the umbrella union for civil servants.

Dr Subramaniam said among the issues that arose concerned Employee Provident Fund contributions, Socso contributions, overtime work and sick leave.

He said the regulations would define the parameters on part-time work and help utilise resources of Malaysian workers, thus reducing the dependency on foreign workers.

Meanwhile, Omar said Cuepacs wanted the government to improve promotional prospects in the civil service especially for lower ranking staff.

"We would also like incentives for night shift work (midnight to 6am) to be improved in appreciation of civil servants' sacrifice to work through the nights," he said, adding that he hoped to meet Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak before May 14 to discuss several matters concerning civil servants welfare.

At today's function, Omar received Cuepacs' Outstanding Personality Award for 2008 while National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP)secretary-general Lok Yim Pheng its Outstanding Woman Award. The Peninsular Malaysia Fire and Rescue Services Workers Union was named the most outstanding Union of 2008.

In KOTA KINABALU, Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the government was committed to look after the welfare of the people especially workers in these difficult economic times.

He said it was for this reason the government introduced two economic stimulus packages which were aimed at reducing retrenchment of workers and creating more job opportunities.

"The government sympathises that there are cases of people losing their jobs but is doing everything it can to alleviate their burden like providing retraining opportunities and helping them find alternative employment," he said at the Sabah-level Workers' Day celebration here Friday.

The text of his speech was read out by Resource Development and Information Technology Advancement State Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai.

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