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Thursday 14 May 2009

Coward Najib misleadingly hides behind Sultan; BN, not palace, is impediment to elections in Perak / Mahathir: PR would win, so BN shouldn’t dissolve?

I’m glad DSAI finally threw the gauntlet down at Najib last night (3,000 is excellent attendance by the way, good job organisers - shows how angry people are), re: being too chicken to face elections. (Videos and pictures embedded below, thanks to Mediarakyat)

It got an instant reaction out of Najib:

The prime minister also rejected claims that BN was “afraid” to fight a snap state polls as demanded by Pakatan.

“BN is not afraid. If we have to face the rakyat and we will face the rakyat. We have faced the rakyat many times,” he said.

He was also asked to respond to calls made by BN leaders that the solution to the Perak political impasse was by holding a state election.

Najib said it would be up to the Perak sultan to do so but did not say whether BN would advise him to dissolve the assembly.

“That is one of the options but under the constitution, it is something that does not have to happen. It depends on the sultan to consider,” he said.

The first part is stupidlah of course. If they were willing to face the rakyat, they would have done so a long time ago in Perak. Once again, Najib and BN have utterly failed to provide a good reason why elections should not be held, leading to the inevitable conclusion that they are chicken.

As you can also see, Najib continues on a path of considerable stupidity by attempting to hide behind the Sultan.

The way he is idiotically talking, one would think that legislative assemblies in Malaysia are dissolved whenever a monarch gets up one morning and decides it would be a good idea.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating - observe the part in bold above: BN is refusing to petition the Sultan to have fresh elections. If they did, thus concurring with Pakatan, clearly the monarch would be hard pressed to explain why he would then refuse a request to dissolve.

Let us repeat it loud and clear for all: it is NOT the Sultan who is preventing elections in Perak, it is NAJIB himself.


Omg. Mahathir is once again talking as only Mahathir can.

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that any snap state election in Perak would only see a victory for rivals Pakatan Rakyat.

“I believe Pakatan will win (if there is an election),” he told reporters after a function in Cyberjaya today.

As such he added that there was no need for Barisan Nasional to be calling for a state election to settle the ongoing political turmoil in the state.

He said that apart from the fact that the result would be a foregone conclusion, the elections would also be a waste of public money.

O_O O_O O_O !!!!

So, Pakatan would win elections in Perak, BUT Barisan should not call for them.

How typically, typically Mahathiristic to think that there is absolutely nothing wrong, not in the least, with ruling illegitimately against the will of the people.

Sigh, the only consolation is that he’s the one man on the other side who ADMITS why BN refuses to contest :P


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