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Friday 6 March 2009

Slumdog 'breaches $200m barrier'

Scene from Slumdog Millionaire
The film mixes romance with gritty scenes of the Mumbai slums

Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire has crossed the $200m (£140m) mark in box office takings around the world, according to figures in Variety.

The film industry daily says the Mumbai-based movie, which cost $15m to make, has now taken $217m at cinemas.

Slumdog is enjoying a further bounce at the box office after picking up eight Oscars at February's Academy Awards.

Fox Searchlight, which released the rags-to-riches tale, said it expects the box office total to exceed $250m.

The company's Steve Gilula told the paper: "It's extraordinary. Very, very few films get past $200 million worldwide."

Slumdog Millionaire returned to the top slot at the UK box office over the first weekend of March.

The move back up from third place came a week after the Oscar ceremony, where the film took best picture and earned Danny Boyle the best director award. -BBC News

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