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Thursday 5 March 2009

Chitrakala wants to meet Najib

NST 05 March 2009

Maju Institute of Educational Development CEO  P. Chitrakala Vasu was seen chatting with N. Gobala-krishnan  and R. Sivarasa (right) at Parliament House yesterday.
Maju Institute of Educational Development CEO P. Chitrakala Vasu was seen chatting with N. Gobala-krishnan and R. Sivarasa (right) at Parliament House yesterday.

EMBATTLED Maju Institute of Educational Development chief executive officer P. Chitrakala Vasu turned up again at Parliament House yesterday, two days after holding a press conference there.

She created a ripple when she appeared with a bodyguard in tow at the lobby and members' lounge.

Her visit on Monday was confined to a canteen in another building at the rear of Parliament House.

At the lounge, Chitrakala was seen chatting with three PKR leaders: N. Gobalakrishnan (PKR-Padang Serai), R. Sivarasa (PKR-Subang) and Tian Chua (PKR-Batu).

She was wearing a parliament visitor's tag.
She told reporters she was there to keep an appointment with Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's parliamentary officer Datuk Lat Shariman.

She said she wanted to speak to Najib about her spat with MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu involving MIED.

"I am here to see Datuk Shariman so that I could have an appointment with the deputy prime minister to brief him about my problem.

"I am not expecting any help from him. I just want to tell him everything.

"I have made it clear to Datuk Shariman that if the deputy prime minister can't see me, I'll go and see Anwar Ibrahim because he was the former finance minister and he knew about MIED matters."

She said she would wait for a "reasonable time" for Najib's office to get back to her as "my loyalty is still to the government", before she sought out Anwar.

"The PKR wanted to help me, but I will follow proper procedures and I told them to let me resolve my problems my way first."

Asked about the bodyguard, Chitrakala said he was loaned to her by a friend who was concerned over her safety.

She also had some choice words for Samy Vellu, warning him to stop his intimidation tactics.

"If he doesn't, he is going to lose everything he has.

"I don't s**t where I eat. My fight is not with MIED or Barisan Nasional but with Samy Vellu, because I don't want MIED to suffer a fate similar to Maika Holdings."

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