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Saturday 14 February 2009

Police presence around Karpal’s Penang residence

A couple of different sources have alerted me to a fairly large police presence - perhaps a hundred or more - around Karpal Singh’s residence in Penang.

Riot police trucks are in the area and roads blocks have been set up around the Waterfall Road/Western Road area.

Reports blog reader tan, tanjung bunga:

I passed Karpal Singh’s residence at around 3.00 pm: lots of FRU personnel and other policemen in the vicinity of his residence, with FRU personnel also lining-up in front of his gate and dozens of media people positioned opposite the gate. You can imagine the traffic jams in the whole area!

From your post, it’s possible that the security personnel are trying to protect Karpal’s residence from the Umno demonstrators! Congrats to them then for protecting a citizen!

It is believed that Umno demonstrators have been blocked from heading towards Karpal’s residence.

It is understood that Karpal himself is not at home at this time.-Anil netto

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