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Saturday 14 February 2009

Glass and Diamond, and a Silver Jubilee

“Barulah kita kenal siapa kaca, siapa permata” (Now we know which is glass, which is diamond).

The events in Perak have led the Sultan of Selangor to come out strongly in the defence of the Sultan of Perak.
“Political developments, instances of street demonstrations and disputes between various parties, relating to the recent appointment of the new Perak state government, to the extent of displaying rudeness to the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, have saddened and disappointed me.”
Read the Sultan's special press statement. [It was issued yesterday, the eve of the Sultan of Perak's Silver Jubilee celebrations today].

Selangor is one of the five states won by Pakatan Rakyat last March. Perak was, too, until the defections of 4 Aduns to BN that compelled the Perak Sultan to request Nizar (whom he had appointed as MB for the Pakatan state government last March) to quit and pave way for the BN, which now commands the majority in the state assembly, to form a new state government.

Nizar responded by begging to defy (menderhaka) and Karpal Singh, the DAP chairman, has vowed to sue the Sultan. Nizar has also filed a suit to challenge the appointment (by the Sultan, of course) of new MB of BN, Zamry.

What happens in Perak can happen in Selangor, and I think the Sultan of Selangor is aware of this.
“I hereby wish to advise with the utmost sincerity by taking into consideration the future of the religion, Malaysian nation and our beloved country. Please do not be misled by actions and behaviours that will only disgrace our integrity, invite high risks to our process of progress, and eradicate the foundations of national sovereignty through the display of rudeness, treachery, arrogance, ignorance in knowledge and lust for power."
Interestingly, former Selangor MB Khir Toyo was picked up by police in Penang yesterday for taking part in a rally against Karpal Singh's "seditious remarks" against the Perak Sultan. The Barnama story, here.

The issue has also led to a major feud between a Malay blogger and a non-Malay blogger.

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