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Saturday 24 January 2009

Update on the A. Kugan case

by Haris Ibrahim


Got calls from two sources a little before 5pm today to say that the family of A Kugan have just been given permission by the relevant authorities for a second post-mortem to be performed.

Nanda headed out to the University Hospital where it was understood the second autopsy was to be carried out.

Got one call from Nanda around 6pm. Informed that YB Gobind Singh, YB Sivarasa, YB Manikavasagam and lawyer Surendran together with family members of Kugan were at the hospital. Selangor CPO was now being ambivalent about whether the second post-mortem had been consented to. Seems that the earlier confirmation had been communicated orally by some senior police officer from the balai in Subang Jaya.

Just before 7pm, Nanda called again to say that its settled. Although the CPO was being difficult about the choice of pathologist, the family’s wishes have prevailed.

Their choice of pathologist will undertake the second autopsy tomorrow morning, 9am. Am told that members of the family and lawyers will be permitted to view the autopsy being done from the viewing gallery.

Nanda informed me that it is expected the autopsy will take anything between 5-8 hours after which the pathologist will have to write up his report.

Depending on the report, it may well be that Kugan may finally be laid to rest on Chinese New Year day.

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