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Saturday 24 January 2009

MIC wants independent probe into Kugan’s murder

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 24 — The MIC wants an independent committee of eminent persons to investigate detainee A. Kugan's death under police custody, whereas the MCA wants a second autopsy to uncover the actual cause of death.

Both Barisan Nasional parties want the police to take swift action for greater transparency and accountability on the part of the government.

MIC deputy president Datuk G. Palanivel said a transparent move by the government would regain public confidence in the police.

He said the party wanted the government to set up an independent committee of eminent persons to investigate the death of 22-year-old Kugan while in police custody.

"The committee should be empowered to look into the entire ambit of lock-up procedures and close-circuit camera recordings available (at lock-ups)," he said today.

Palanivel was commenting on Kugan's death while being held at the Subang Taipan police station lock-up on Thursday.

Earlier, the death was classified under section 330 of the Penal Code which indicates voluntarily causing hurt to extort a confession.

Yesterday, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said the case was re-classified as murder as there were bruises on the body.

In a related development, MCA central committee member Wong Nai Chee said in a statement that a second autopsy should be conducted in a professional manner to uncover the actual cause of the death.

He said MCA was aghast with the extent of the injuries on Kugan who allegedly collapsed and died while under police custody.

"We call upon (Home Minister) Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar and (Inspector-General of Police) Tan Sri Musa Hassan to take swift action (against the culprits).

"As the public finds it difficult to accept the reasons (for Kugan's death) given by the Selangor police chief (Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar) that Kugan died of breathing difficulties, investigations must be conducted in a transparent manner," said Wong who also heads MCA Youth, Legal Affairs and Parliamentary Research Bureau.

He said the party welcomed Abdul Gani's decision to re-classify the case as murder.

Meanwhile in Tebedu, Sarawak, Musa appealed to the public not to speculate on Kugan's death until a report on the investigations was completed.

He gave an assurance that the police would conduct an in-depth investigation without any cover-up. — Bernama

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