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Sunday 2 November 2008

From Jan to Sept, police chastised in 20 per cent of public complaints

About 1,200 complaints received by the Public Complaints Bureau (PCA) in the first nine months of the year, chastised the police.

The rebuke on the force was for general inaction when responding to public complaints.

The complaints made up about 20 per cent of the total 6,079 complaints lodged with the bureau between January and September, this year, said PCA deputy director-general (complaints division) Md Zin Musa today.

He said the complaints, among others, alleged that the police did not give appropriate responses to public complaints.

According to some of the complaints, the police even failed to perform enforcement duties, added Md Zin.

He noted that the public’s high expectation of the force was normal as some even expected the police to retrieve their stolen cars within a day.

“However, the public should understand that each police investigation takes time and the police could be facing staff shortage,” said Md Zin.

Speaking to reporters after the launch of the public complaints mobile counter here today, Md Zin said 42 per cent of the complaints involved late responses from 724 government agencies and local authorities.

Nevertheless, the deputy director-general viewed the complaints as ’favouring’ his bureau.

He said the increased number of complaints this year as compared with 5,000 complaints received for the same period last year, indicated the public believed the bureau could solve their problems.

“About 79 per cent of the complaints have been resolved so far, and we are optimistic in beating last year’s success rate of 89 per cent by the end of the year,” added Md Zin.


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