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Tuesday 7 October 2008

Perak government wants ISA camp moved out of Kamunting

BIDOR: The Perak government wants the ISA detention camp, now in Kamunting, out of the state.
State executive councillor A. Sivanesan said he would look into the legal avenues and land legislation, in particular the Land Acquisition Act, to see how the Pakatan Rakyat-led state could reclaim the land alienated to the Federal Government for the camp.
Sivanesan suggested the detention centre be relocated to a Barisan Nasional stronghold such as Pahang or Johor.
“Pakatan is against the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the camp is in Kamunting, Taiping. If they (Barisan) are not going to abolish the ISA, then move the camp out and give us back the land,” he said yesterday after meeting orang asli at Kampung Chang Sungai Gepai, about 70km from Ipoh.
However, Sivanesan said he had yet to bring up the idea at the weekly state executive council meeting.

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