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Wednesday 1 October 2008

Is Malaysia heading for another "New Face Same Body" scenario?

Transition of power from the present Prime Minister to his Deputy Prime Minister, Mohd Najib Razak is the current talk of the town...But maybe, there will be no transition of power announcement - and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will announce that he will be running for Presidency of the party. Maybe even, he may shock everyone by suddenly indicating that his preference for the successor is some other...not Najib.

But if the named successor is Mohd Najib Razak, then, really what difference would that make ... would he do anything differently from what has been done by the present Prime Minister - I do not think so. There has been no instance of any indication that he is different...or that he would have done something different from the PM.

In fact, Mohd Najib Razak would really not be the best choice at all for the weakened UMNO and Barisan Nasional.

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