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Monday 19 August 2019

Social activist condemns video of man allegedly threatening non-Malays

MELAKA: A social activist has condemned a video of a man allegedly threatening non-Malays while displaying sharp weapons.
Melaka Consumer and Environment Association (PPASM) education and woman bureau chief Azizah Harun urged every Malaysian to lodge a police report against the man who claims to be from Johor.
"You're giving my religion a bad name, we are peaceful people and not a violent community like what you've painted.
"We are living in a new age, not 1969, where people can judge right from wrong without blaming other races," she said in a statement on Sunday (Aug 18).
Azizah said all hell would break loose should other communities post similar intimidating videos.
"Why to blame the current generation when our founding fathers had already laid the Federal Constitution," she said, adding that claims that "the minorities were bullying the majority don't make sense at all".
Hence, Azizah said Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik should look into introducing the true history of this country.
"The contribution of other races are not told to the younger generation when there are documented evidences from the British," she said.
Azizah said the public have lost the mood to celebrate National Day amid recent racial and religious tensions.
"The current government has failed to quell sensitive issues quickly and it is getting worse now," she added.
She said the actions of the man in the video are against the true teachings of Islam.
"My religion teaches me noble values and reminds me that life is temporary in this world.
"I hope right thinking Malaysians will condemn such act," she added.
The three-minute and 19-second video that went viral shows a man allegedly threatening non-Malays with violence, while brandishing various sharp weapons.

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