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Thursday 1 December 2016

Wanita Umno delegate questions non-Malay bosses in GLCs

UMNO AGM A Wanita Umno delegate today questioned why non-Malays are appointed in top positions in government-linked firms.

"I urge the leadership to pay more attention to the appointments in GLCs. For example, developer SP Setia Bhd.

"Everyone knows the majority stake is held by PNB (Permodalan Nasional Bhd) so why is the CEO and the GM (general manager) in Penang ethnic Chinese?

"What's happening now is that other races are holding top positions and this means contractors, consultants and lawyers appointed are all from their race," Bagan delegate Hamidah Arshad said during the annual general assembly debate in PWTC today.

Hamidah also alleged that no Malay contractors are appointed by GLCs.

Meanwhile, the Malay Mail Online reported Pasir Putih Wanita chief Zurina Ripin urged the government to allocate 30 percent of government contracts for food products to the women's wing.

"We want 30 percent of government contracts. There are plenty of ministries so what is wrong if we get 30 percent of the food (supply or manufacturing) contracts," she reportedly said during the debates on the wing's economic motion.

"Is it difficult to give the 30 percent? We are in power. Just give it to the (Malay) women entreprenuers out there," she reportedly said.

She added the government must consider this if it is serious about gender equality, the news portal reported.

The 30 percent contracts demand was part of the wing's economic motion, unanimously passed today.

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