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Tuesday 14 June 2016

Foundation donates RM30,000 to school

The Penang Nattukottai Chettiar Foundation donated RM30,000 to the Ramakrishna Tamil school to upgrade its 21st Century Classroom, Makkal Osai reported.

SJK (T) Ramakrishna, which operates on the grounds of the Ramakrishna Ashram in Penang, recently made the country proud with several victories in international science tournaments.

In order to ensure the school continues to excel in such competitions, the foundation has decided to upgrade the school’s 21st Century Classroom to help students explore their interest in science and robotics.

Headmistress K. Puvaneswari said the foundation’s help was timely as ensuring the classrooms were up to date would incur a cost.

Last year, three students from the school beat 300 others from around the world in a youth science creation competition in Beijing, China.

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