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Thursday 5 March 2015

Undergrad arrested for indecent recordings

Police have yet to establish if the lewd act was for personal use or to be uploaded to a pornographic site.


KUANTAN: Police have detained an undergraduate student who had a fetish for recording women urinating when a closed-circuit television (CCTV)

in the form of a clothes hook on the toilet door of a secondary school in Kuala Terla near Cameron Highlands was uncovered last Thursday.

The suspect’s actions were discovered by a victim, 30, who was the school canteen operator, at 8 am last Thursday when she wanted to use the toilet.

Cameron Highlands District Police Chief DSP Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu said the victim saw the hook was crooked on the toilet door and tried to readjust its position.

“As soon as she held the hook, the victim found a small button with the words ‘on/off’, and upon checking it, found a memory card which was believed to have stored the recordings.

“The victim then informed the principal before the school management installed a CCTV in the toilet to identify the culprit,” he said when contacted here today.

He said with the hidden CCTV, the school authorities recorded the actions of the suspect, in his 20s, who entered the toilet looking for the clothes hook.

He said, following the incident, the school head lodged a report at the Kuala Terla Police Station on Friday before police detained the suspect, a final-year student in a university in Kuala Lumpur, in a house near the school.

“Early investigations found that the suspect had made three separate recordings involving three witnesses, for the duration of five minutes, and so far, only one of the victims had come forward to make a report,” he said.

He added that police were continuing investigations into the actual motive for the suspect’s actions – whether it was for personal use or to be spread on any websites with the intention of purposely causing ridicule to the victims.


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