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Monday 9 March 2015

'Umrah' latest modus operandi to join IS

An excuse to perform the umrah is one of the latest modus operandi used by individuals who are out to join the Islamic State (IS) militant group, said Deputy Foreign Minister Hamzah Zainuddin.

He said the information was obtained through cooperation and information-sharing with foreign countries including the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries.

"We already know some of the tactics used by those who want to join IS militants, some were traced going for umrah but after they arrive in Madinah they disappear," he told reporters in KL yesterday.

For this reason, he said, the ministry would continue to cooperate with foreign countries to learn in depth the ploys used by the group and subsequently prevent the spread of IS militant activities.

Currently there are 61 Malaysians detected in Syria, including 10 women, while the arrests on those suspected to be involved with IS in the country have reached 71 people.

In addition, Hamzah said the ministry was willing to help individuals involved with IS militant activities to correct their mistakes and mend their ways.

"When they return home to this country, we will try to help fix their ideological beliefs, if they have made a mistake or was mistaken we will help to correct them," he said.

Hence, he said the ministry urged the people of this country who were in Syria to go to the nearest embassy to seek for assistance.

Earlier, Hamzah attended a premier lecture ‘Islam Rahmatan Lil'Alamain: Between Fact and Reality’ by rector of Pattani Jaya University, Thailand, Ismail Lutfi.

- Bernama

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