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Sunday 8 March 2015

Now minister wants Islamic teams at varsities

After claiming world-class status, Idris wants teams to spread Islamic understanding.


IPOH: Education Minister II Idris Jusoh, who recently courted controversy by claiming world-class status for Malaysian universities, is now stepping into another possible quagmire.

In the midst of a raging public debate about Islamic prosleytisation and the distribution of free copies of the Quran, Idris has now proposed that Islamic understanding teams be set up at colleges and unversities “to monitor and provide a thorough understanding of the religion to students”.

He said the team was also aimed at preventing the spread of extremist ideology, especially those of the Islamic State militant group, among university students.

“The ministry will ensure the spread of tasawwur Islam and wassatiyah as promoted by the prime minister,” he said, according to Bernama. “Actually, the prime minister has implemented the wassatiyah concept by using a shariah index so that we fully understand Islam,” he said at a Chinese New Year event here.

Idris also urged university vice-chancellors to constantly monitor their students to ensure they were not influenced by Islamic State ideology, Bernama quoted him as saying.

Two weeks ago, Idris found himself in the midst of controversy by claiming that the rising number of foreign students showed that Malaysians were on par with universities in the west. After being taken apart by opposition politicians, among others, he held to his remark by pointing out to the new rankings of Malaysian universities on a higher education index.

His latest suggestion puts him squarely in the midst of the debate about the place of Islam among the multi-racial communities of Malaysia.

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