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Friday 27 February 2015

Palanivel willing to destroy MIC to hang on to power

Vell Paari says Palanivel is a hypocrite to scream 'interference' simply because he doesn’t agree with the advice BN leaders are giving him.


PETALING JAYA: MIC members that are being left as “political orphans” as a direct result of party president G Palanivel’s “ill leadership” desperately need clarification regarding the current turmoil within the party, said S Vell Paari.

The Kepong division chairman also said that Barisan Nasional leaders and the Registrar of Societies (RoS) weren’t the parties to be blamed for MIC’s current predicament, contrary to what some factions within MIC claimed.

“I am deeply disturbed and disappointed to note recent acts and statements by Dato Palani’s supporters condemning RoS and BN leaders,” said Vell Paari in a media statement today.

He added that rather than resolving the matter of irregularities with the party’s election process which Palanivel was responsible for, the president’s supporters were painting a whole different picture to the Indian community by suggesting RoS and UMNO were out to get them.

“Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was only advising MIC to solve the internal crisis, but that was blasted by Balakrishnan (MIC’s vice-president) as interference,” said Vell Paari who pointed out that MIC’s president was in agreement with the Home Minister regarding re-elections just weeks before.

When Palanivel announced MIC’s plans to appeal to the RoS on the advice of BN Secretary-General Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, Vell Paari questioned, “Why didn’t (he) claim interference that time?

“The reason being when something is favourable to you, you agree with it but you condemn and say interference when it’s otherwise.

“Hence this is not an issue of interference by BN leadership or ROS but it’s purely a selfish and greedy act to hang on to power by Palanivel, for which he is even willing to destroy MIC.”

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