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Friday 13 February 2015

'IGP should probe the whole world then'

"IGP, please investigate the whole world then!"

Such were the tone of remarks by two opposition leaders when asked about Inspector General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar's recent threat to probe their comments on the Federal Court's verdict on Anwar Ibrahim.

On Tuesday, Chief Justice Ariffin Zakaria, and four other Federal Court judges, unanimously upheld the Court of Appeal's decision to sentence Anwar to five years jail for sodomy.

When contacted, PKR national deputy youth chief Dr Afif Bahardin and PSM secretary-general S Arutchelvan said they had yet to receive any calls from the police.

But the duo remained unfazed,  saying they were prepared for police action.

"My views questioning the credibility of the Malaysian judiciary are shared by many, including international leaders," Afif, who is also a Penang executive councillor told Malaysiakini.

"The IGP appears to have nothing better to do. He may as well probe the whole world because many are questioning the court's decision to jail Anwar," added the Seberang Jaya assemblyman.

Afif was referring to the international outcry by world leaders and human rights NGOs against Anwar's incarceration, as this is the second time the opposition leader has been imprisoned for charges related to sodomy.

Prime Minister Najib has maintained that the courts are independent, dismissing allegations that charges against Anwar was "politically motivated" to end his political career.

But Arutchelvan (right) said that the whole country shares his views that the charges and Tuesday's conviction on Anwar - the Permatang Pauh MP - were "politically motivated".

He said even BN leaders were mostly "silent" about the court's verdict as they may have felt uneasy about the matter.

"It looks like the IGP merely wants to instill fear in the nation, so that he can stop us all from criticising the government.

"He should probe the whole country and even the world which sees Anwar's jailing is to end his political career.

"Even Amnesty International deems Anwar as a prisoner of conscience. How about that, IGP?" he asked.

Khalid also wants to haul up Jingga 13 chief Fariz Musa for allegedly calling on Anwar's supporters to overthrow the government through street protests.

But Fariz said he was merely referring to possible programmes planned by PKR or Pakatan Rakyat to seek Anwar's freedom.

"I did not mean separate rallies to overthrow the government.

"The police have not contacted me yet but I am prepared for it," he added.

In an interview with The Sun published today, Khalid (left) was quoted as saying "I have issued the warning; now it is time to enforce the law against those who breach and attempt to breach public order.

"They will be investigated for instigating the people to take to the streets,” Khalid had reportedly said.

Already political cartoonist Zunar.  real name Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque, is being remanded until Saturday.

Police are also investigating on PKR vice-president and secretary general Rafizi Ramli and Taiping MP, Nga Kor Ming under the Sedition Act.

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