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Sunday 8 February 2015

Anwar: 60% win for Pakatan if they jail me

Ahead of crucial court verdict, opposition leader sounds a warning to Barisan Nasional


GEORGE TOWN: Just days before a crucial court verdict, Anwar Ibrahim fired a warning salvo today with a bold prediction that Pakatan Rakyat would score a 60% victory at the next general election if he was to be jailed by the Federal Court on Tuesday.

Speaking at a pasar malam rally in Sungai Dua here, part of his pre-verdict national road show, Anwar said he would not be cowed by threats of conviction and imprisonment neither would he be lured by money.

“Lawan tetap lawan,” he said. He would stay put without fear and would not flee the country.

“I won’t run away. I will stay and fight for Penangites, Malaysians and the country. No amount of money can buy me out. Don’t threaten me with jail and conviction. I will not compromise and never surrender,” he said.

“If I go to jail again, we win over 60% (votes),” Anwar predicted. (In 1998 he was sentenced to six years’ jail for alleged abuse of power. Two years later he was convicted and sentenced to jail for alleged sodomy with his driver, which was overturned on appeal in 2004.)

Pakatan secured nearly 52% or 5.489 million of the total popular vote, at the 2013 general election. However, the opposition coalition failed to secure a majority of seats in Parliament because of differences in seat distribution.

Barisan Nasional secured 133 of the 222 parliamentary seats, with only 48% of the popular vote or 5.220 million of the total votes cast; Pakatan and its allies clinched 89 seats.

On Tuesday, the Federal Court will deliver its verdict on Anwar’s final appeal to overturn a conviction for sodomy with a young male aide in 2008, for which he has been sentenced to five years’ jail.

Maintaining his innocence against the sodomy charge, Anwar said he should win his appeal and be a free man on Feb 10 if the Federal Court based its judgment on law, facts, truth and evidence. “But I will be found guilty if the law was not observed,” Anwar told the crowd.

He questioned Barisan Nasional whether sending him to jail would resolve issues such as corruption, cronyism, nepotism, poverty, depreciation of currency and an economic meltdown.

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