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Friday 9 January 2015

We are not 'extremists', Isma refutes G25

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) today denied claims made by the eminent group of Malays (G25) who said the NGO comprises extreme and religious fanatics.

Isma deputy president Aminuddin Yahaya said until today, Isma does not know why its members have been labelled “extremists”, for they operate within existing structures.

“I don’t understand why people say we are extreme when we only defend the constitution and Islam,” Aminuddin told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

“We defend the constitution because it is perfect enough in that it has the rights of the Muslims, non-Muslims, the bumiputera, as well as non-Malays.

“But there are certain quarters who want the same rights, not just in terms of economy, but in all matters, including Islam,” he said.

'Learn about constitution and Islam'

Aminuddin then went on to advise the 'Eminent Malays', who include former top civil servants, to learn about the constitution and Islam so that they understand the issues properly before issuing any statement.

He said that this was because statements made by the G25 previously were influenced by media reports that dub Isma as an extremist NGO.

“They (G25) are very much influenced by media reports that call us extremists and fundamentalists.

“We think that they are more influenced by the media that purposely tries to weaken the friends of Islam.

“We suggest that they (G25) look at the constitution. Learn knowledge on Islam so that they understand more. They have retired, so they seldom read about the constitution and Islam anymore,” Aminuddin said.

G25 became prominent when it wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak last month, calling for the voice of moderation and asking him to show leadership in the wake of intolerant voices from right-wing groups such as Isma and Perkasa.

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