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Monday 5 January 2015

Palanivel rivals to see Registrar to avert party shutdown

Silence from party chief prompts action as two branches face being deregistered.


KUALA LUMPUR: With two branches facing deregistration, and MIC president G Palanivel out of contact, two of his rivals are to meet the Registrar of Societies tomorrow for discussions on the party’s fate.

Deputy president S Subramaniam and vice-president M Saravanan, viewed as allies against Palanivel, are going ahead with the meeting to avert a possible shutdown of the whole party in March.

“RoS has issued a letter stating that two MIC branches would be deregistered tomorrow and more divisions were at stake if the problem was left unattended,” Saravanan was quoted as saying in Kulaijaya.

“If we do not act now, not only more divisions will have to face deregistration but the party as a whole would be deregistered in March,” he claimed, according to The Star Online.

He said Palanivel had refused to answer his phone calls or reply to messages. Palanivel was not available for comment, The Star said.

On Dec 5 the registrar nullified the party elections held in November 2013 and proposed that new elections be held for the three vice-presidencies and 23 positions on the central working committee. (Palanivel and Subramaniam were re-elected unopposed.)

Palanivel’s apparent inaction about the Registrar’s instructions were viewed by an ousted central committee member, G Ramanan, as a sign that Palanivel sought to have the party deregistered in order to set up a new party formed of his own supporters.

Ramanan was one of five people ousted by Palanivel on Friday, with S Vell Paari, son of former party strongman S Samy Vellu, being replaced as MIC strategic director, A Prakash Rao removed as secretary-general, KS Nijhar and KS Balakrishnan dropped from the central committee, and a disciplinary committee formed.

However MIC Youth has objected to the appointment of G Kumar Aaman as the new secretary-general. Youth chief C. Sivaraajh said Palanivel should review Kumar Aaman’s past in view of the party chief’s recent statement on gangsterism within the party.

“I believe this party’s image is in jeopardy with this appointment,” Sivaraajh was quoted as saying. He said Kumar Aaman had “plenty of baggage” and “even police reports”, Malaysiakini reported.

Kumar Aaman’s appointment was viewed as a reward for instigating the Gerakan Anti Samy Vellu faction,

Sivaraajh said Palanivel had not met the party’s youth wing even once in over a year.

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