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Wednesday 14 January 2015

Minister vs ex-minister over 'Taliban' M’sia

In a tweet for tat, an Umno minister and a former Umno minister have offered different takes on whether Malaysia is a Taliban state.

The issue was sparked off by Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) executive director Eric Paulsen, who in a tweet, accused the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) of sowing seeds of extremism.

Paulsen was arrested last night and is being investigated under the Sedition Act.

Urban Wellbeing Housing and Local Government Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan said if the accusation was true, Malaysia would be a Taliban nation right now.

In a series of tweets today, he pointed out that Malaysia had 2,652 Friday sermons to date, and no Muslim has ever turned violent after listening to them.

“But if we are not careful, a lot would (turn violent) after listening to Paulsen’s sermon,” he said on a sarcastic note.

Although the minister did not name the state, it was an obvious reference to the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled Selangor.

LFL was co-founded by PKR legal bureau chief Latheefa Koya and PKR's Padang Serai MP N Surendran.

Meanwhile, former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim had a different take, and roped in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak into the issue as well.

“Malaysia (is) already a Taliban country, and the sermons referred to by Paulsen all started during Najib’s rule,” he tweeted.

The former Umno lawmaker also suggested that Abdul Rahman and others propose a motion that Malaysia is not a Taliban nation.

“I (would) like to oppose that motion,” he said.

Paulsen (left) has been remanded until tomorrow to facilitate investigations and Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar has warned all parties not to politicise the arrest.

“It is a lawful arrest, made to ensure harmony in this multiracial society.

“I would like to warn certain parties not to politicise or manipulate the issue of the arrest until it can affect public security,” he said.

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