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Saturday 24 January 2015

MIC chief roasts deputy as a 'rumour monger'

The rift in MIC is widening, with president G Palanivel breaking his silence to swipe back at his deputy Dr S Subramaniam for making allegations to the media on his inaction on the directive from the Registrar of Societies (ROS).

ROS in a series of letters to MIC has asked it to re-elect its vice presidents and central working committee (CWC) members.

"Office-bearers of MIC, including the deputy president, one of the vice-presidents and others are spreading numerous allegations and misinformation to the media in respect of the issues of the elections raised by the ROS.

"The only thing that I have not done is to discuss the party's internal matters in the media as being done by the others, including the deputy president and one of the vice-presidents," Palanivel said in a statement today.

He said he was aware of meetings organised by Subramaniam and others in relation to the ROS issue and that these meetings were not sanctioned by him.

The Cameron Highlands MP added that he has done what was required of a president to keep the party afloat despite there being claims that he has remained silent on the issue.

"I, as the president of MIC, took immediate steps to protect the interests and rights of MIC, contrary to the allegations levelled against me that I have done nothing.

"I would like to make it clear that there are certain procedures and proper channels provided for in the Societies Act 1966 in dealing with complaints and decisions made by the Registrar of Societies.

"We, together with the lawyers, are following proper procedures and have taken all measures necessary to protect the interest of MIC in this matter," Palanivel said.

He also said the party has lodged an appeal with the Home Ministry as the letters that were sent to MIC by ROS were defective and incorrect.

"Our lawyers have perused the letter dated Dec 31, 2014, in detail, including all the matters raised by ROS, and have advised me that the purported notice issued by ROS is flawed and wrong in law.

"Upon the legal advice from the lawyers, MIC has on Jan 14 lodged an appeal to the Minister of Home Affairs, pursuant to the provisions of the Societies Act 1966, against the contents of the letters dated Dec 5, 2014 and Dec 31, 2014 from ROS to MIC," he added.

On Monday, Subramaniam flayed Palanivel for not responding to his requests to meet up with the president to discuss the ROS issue and reiterated that the window for discussions between him and Palanivel has been "closed".

Meanwhile, MIC vice-president S Saravanan slammed Palanivel for keeping mum on the ROS issue and instead opening fire at members who spoke up.

“The reason we went to the media and talked is because Palanivel has been keeping silent on the issue for way too long,” Saravanan said at a press conference today.

He also added that the president should be transparent and make collective decisions with the rest of the committee as “MIC is not his family matter”.

Saravanan also warned the media that carried M Kumar Aaman’s allegations over him yesterday without clarifying with him, might be sued.

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