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Monday 12 January 2015

MCA hits out at Ibrahim Ali for justifying Paris attack

Ti Lian Ker says police should haul up Ibrahim Ali for promoting violence and the slaughter of innocents.


KUALA LUMPUR: MCA Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman Ti Lian Ker lashed out at Perkasa Chief Ibrahim Ali for offering a justification of the brutal terrorist killings in Paris last Wednesday, saying police should haul him up for promoting violence and lawlessness in the country.

In a statement, Ti said, “There is no justification whatsoever in taking innocent lives on the slightest provocation as in this case.

“The police should haul up Ibrahim Ali for questioning as he seems to be promoting violence and the slaughter of innocents.”

Saying Ibrahim should instead have emulated the prime minister in condemning the “massacre”, Ti reminded him that Malaysian Christians chose not to embark on a “shooting rampage” despite being provoked by him in the past when he threatened to burn Bahasa Malaysia bibles.

Ti also said that Charlie Hebdo cartoonists did not only target Muslims but “lampooned the Pope as well as government authorities”.

He explained, “The majority of the estimated 4.7 million Muslims in France … the largest Muslim population in Europe would have been offended by the caricatures but they certainly did not go on a shooting rampage nor take hostages.”

Describing Ibrahim’s past “bigoted rantings” as a “xenophobic pursuit of publicity”, Ti added, “Ibrahim Ali should explain how the customers and employees, including women and children as well as Muslims at the kosher grocery store had provoked the assailants to be subsequently taken hostage”.

Ti was referring to the civilians who were taken hostage soon after the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo office which he described as “wanton terrorism committed by terrorists who do not represent Islam at all”.

Drawing a comparison between Ibrahim and the people of France, Ti said, “French and other European Muslims also joined fellow French citizens in the night vigils while Muslims worldwide condemned the attacks,” the exact opposite of Ibrahim who instead offered an excuse for the terrorists’ brand of “vigilantism and lawlessness”.

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