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Sunday 21 December 2014

MIC is not movie where gangsters are heroes – Palanivel

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20: MIC president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel today called on for rationality to prevail the party, saying that “thuggery and rowdiness” had no place in the party.

He said such a behaviour was unacceptable in the party and that members should not allowed such a political culture to take place.

“We must not allow such hooliganism to hijack the MIC where the majority of members are rationale, law abiding and have only the interest of the community, and not personal ambitions,” he said referring to punch-ups took place outside the party headquarters on Thursday.

The incident occurred after the party’s meeting to discuss the Registrar of Societies’ (RoS) order calling for fresh election for the party Central Working Committee (CWC) and vice presidency.

Palanivel had announced that he and his deputy Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam would meet the ROS to seek clarification over the order.

Palanivel said “something is seriously wrong when a meeting is disrupted”.

“The Indian community must have felt “let down” and “ashamed” by what happened.

“I ask those responsible to take a hard look at themselves and ask if what they did has helped the Indians.

“Do they endorse such a behaviour,” he asked.

On criticism that he had not been vocal enough, Palanivel said the MIC was in the government and not the opposition.

“I speak up in the Cabinet and I have access to the PM. I have an effective voice in cabinet where decisions are made.

“Making noises outside is mere publicity stunt with no sure results,” he said adding that since he took over the party, MIC representation in the Cabinet had increased from one to two with two deputies.

“The MIC delivered the Indian votes to the GE13 polls,” he said.

He cited the increased allocations for temples, Tamil schools, empowering business opportunities, setting up special affairs Indian cabinet committee, education aids and blueprint for Indian community also is on track.

“Let’s talk facts and figures. Don’t let unreasonable and angry voices drown good hard work.

“The MIC is in the business of helping the community. This is not a movie where gangsters are heroes. We care about the people who need most,” he stressed.

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