“Apart from this, the motions concerning the Sedition Act, social media and living cost (will also be focal points),” Hishammuddin said.
Among those making the call is Cheras Umno division chief Syed Ali Alhabshee, who accused vernacular schools of sowing the seeds of racism and divide.
However, this claim was met with stiff opposition from various quarters, including Umno’s partners MCA and Gerakan.
As for the Sedition Act, Umno president and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has come under intense pressure from his party to revoke his suggestion to repeal the Act.
According to Umno Online, Hishammuddin said the party headquarters received a total of 755 motions from 191 Umno divisions nationwide.
Out of this, he said, 638 motions are for reference and 117 motions do not require debates.
As for the 638, he added that 81 concerned amending the party constitution, 87 (on politics), 67 (economy), 74 (religion), 170 (social), 121 (education) and 38 (others).
“The task force, headed by Rosnah Abd Rashid Shirleen, also monitored, conducted follow-ups and reported the development achieved by the Umno divisions that submitted the motions.
“Apart from this, the task force was also responsible for providing a report to the committee on the motions for further action,” he added.
Hishammuddin also thanked all state Umno liaison chiefs for providing the name lists of speakers in advance.
“This is not to curtail the speakers’ freedom when delivering their speeches, but we want all of them to present their motions well,” he explained.
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