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Friday 28 November 2014

So what happens to National Harmony Act, asks Mujahid

National Unity Consultative Council member Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa says the prime minister is sending a wrong signal in maintaining the colonial era Sedition Act. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, November 27, 2014.Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has reneged on his promise to repeal the Sedition Act, despite having tasked the National Unity Consultative Council to draft a new bill, council member Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa said today.

He also said that the NUCC – formed under the Prime Minister's Department – had been tasked with providing input on a new law to replace the Sedition Act, adding that this had already been completed.

"The prime minister, who is also Umno president, had in July 2012 pledged to replace the Sedition Act with the National Harmony Act on grounds that the Sedition Act was no longer relevant.

"So how did it become relevant again in 2014?" Mujahid asked in a statement today.

He said the NUCC's Law and Policy Committee had given its input and conducted public discussions in preparation of the new bill.

Even the draft had been handed over to the council's main committee and to the Prime Minister's Department, Mujahid said.

"By strengthening the Sedition Act, the prime minister is sending a wrong signal that this colonial era law needs to be maintained when the environment today demands more relevant laws to suit current times," he added.

Mujahid said the Sedition Act also had a low burden of proof and was exposed to misuse as to the meaning of the word sedition.

He added that in contrast, the proposed National Harmony Act tightened the burden of proof aspect and also offered protection on freedom of speech.

According to Mujahid, PAS in its recent muktamar had also passed a motion supporting the abolishment of the Sedition Act, to be replaced with a better legislation to protect national harmony.

"It is clear by the prime minister's announcement that he does not have a solid stand and has reneged on his promise to repeal the act.

"Has the prime minister bowed down to the extremists in Umno that want the Sedition Act to be maintained?" – November 27, 2014.

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