'Chinese can do business because 'tuan' tolerant'
Umno does not have monopoly on Malay leadership. In fact, Umno has betrayed the Malays in their five decades of unrestrained greed.
There is in no foundational document nor stand made by any political party, other than Umno, which speaks of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’.
Umno is being propped up by lies and seditious statements and supported by their lackeys in MCA, Gerakan and MIC, all of which are slowly but surely rejected by thinking and peaceful Malaysians of all races and religions who just want to get along and progress together as a nation.
It is the rakyat's patience that Umno and its Cheras division chief Syed Ali Alhabshee are testing. And it is they and their policies which are being rejected at the polls.
Syed Ali's statement and those which will come at the Umno general assembly next week will be seen as the dying throes of a rotten, self-indulgent and decayed entity that no longer deserves our attention or forbearance.
Anonymous$&@?: This is part of the continuation of brainwashing the rakyat via (not in any order): biased history books in schools, hate speeches by politicians like this one and his ilk, use of religion to scare the Malays, racist stories in Utusan Malaysia, and indoctrination by BTN (Biro Tatanegara).
Psychologists have found that repeated lies will slowly change the perception of the people over time whereby lies will become truths. This tactic was used by the Nazis and is now being copied by Umno to create a new ‘ketuanan Melayu’ generation that will grow up to believe that they are the God-chosen 'tuans' in this country.
Don't believe me, just ask any secondary Malay school children.
Proarte: The constitutional 'special position' of the Malays was recognising their relative backwardness and was never intended to create a 'chosen people' in the mould of Zionism.
Provisions were made to uplift the Malays with the 'privileges' designed to have a limited time frame. However, this has not been the case.
Syed Ali must be made aware that Malays do not have any 'special rights'. 'Privileges' can be taken away but 'rights' cannot. This explains why the federal constitution in Article 8 guarantees equal rights for all citizens.
Let me also educate this half-caste Umno racist that the Orang Asal are the real 'tuans' and that it is the Malays who must accept this fact. Shockingly, Orang Asal have been exploited and abused by Umno and their cronies to the extent that these 'tuans' of Malaysia are now the poorest community.
Malay, Chinese and Indian 'foreigners' must be more sensitive towards the Orang Asal and recognise their 'special position'. The exploitation and abuse must stop.
Swipenter: When the Umno Baru AGM is round the corner, the annual chest thumping and hollering contest by Umnoputras starts in earnest without fail.
They jump on the bandwagon to see who can say the most racist thing and who the most ardent defender of race and religion is. In this contest, the constitutional Malays are usually the most vociferous of them all.
Last year, we let the ‘God-chosen race’ to continue ruling Bolehland and now we have to bow to their Malay hegemony.
Dr Suresh Kumar: Take my advice folks, especially our right-thinking Chinese brethren - Syed Ali is another sore Umno Baru loser who is trying to seek cheap publicity before the Umno AGM.
Don't fall into his trap and curse the larger Malay community who may not have even heard of this man. If he wants to 'knight' himself, so be it, let him 'syiok sendiri'.
There is a Tamil saying which goes like this: “When a dog barks at the moon, it's only hurting its own mouth.”
Starwars: The Malays know very well that these are rhetorics of a Umno politician who lives in a big bungalow, drive expensive cars and dine out at expensive places.
The Malays have come to realise that whatever said by such politicians, at the end of the day they are solely responsible for their own survival in this world and no Umno politician is going to come and give them money, food or house simply because they are Malays.
The real threat Umno Malays are facing is not from the Chinese but the Malays themselves. So don’t confuse yourself and deviate from the real problem confronting Umno.
The ordinary Malay people are going about their daily life without any issues with the Chinese and the majority of them work for their Chinese bosses without any complain. Just go around some of the workplaces and see how the Malays and non-Malays interact.
RSOH: I agree that Malays should be the leaders. But visionary Malays leaders such as Pak Samad (A Samad Said), Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah, Prof Azmi Sharom, etc, who place the interests of the nation over all else. Not these BN garbage that only know how to incite hatred and tell lies.
KSD: Syed Ali, you are making a mockery of the 1Malaysia logo on your shirt. I suggest that you start wearing the white robes of the Ku Klux Klan because you are exactly like them.
P Dev Anand Pillai: There is no use thumping our chests and calling ourselves the ‘lords’ when the ‘lords’ still depend on the ‘serfs’ to run the economy of the country.
If the blackman had accepted the theory that the whiteman is the "lord" and he is the "serf", we would not be seeing a black president of the United States today.
So please, we want equality for all, if you can't give us that, then please tell us so in plain words.
Lim Chong Leong: “This clearly shows that the Chinese support the opposition, this attitude must change and Chinese voters should be on the side of the government,” said Syed Ali.
He forgot that there are ‘tuans’ in the Pakatan that the Chinese supported and not the ‘tuans’ in Umno. Not supporting Umno is not anti-Malay but only anti-Umno.
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