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Tuesday 11 November 2014

Medicine worth RM1.2mil stolen from KL Hospital

AUDIT REPORT The Auditor-General’s Report 2013 has revealed that medicine stocks worth RM1.21 million were stolen from Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL).

It also said Penang Hospital (HPP) lost RM240,000 worth of medicine stocks due to theft.

In November 2011, 68 medicine stocks amounting to RM1.21 million were stolen from the stores of the HKL’s neuroscience as well as urology and nephrology pharmacies.

A police report on the incident was lodged on Dec 27, 2011.

Part of the stolen medicine stocks, worth RM740,000, was found in January 2012.

Based on investigation conducted by HKL, the theft was committed by someone from the inside who constantly dealt with the staff of the store and as such, knows the weaknesses in the store management.

The case was decided to be written-off while disciplinary action will only be taken against civil servants after police investigations are completes, the Audit Report noted.

In December 2013, a Shimadzu control panel was stolen from the radiography room of the diagnostic imagery department of HKL.

The control panel was one of the components of the general x-ray equipment, which is worth RM300,000.

“As the control panel had been stolen, the general x-ray equipment can no longer be used,” the Audit Report states.

It also noted how there were recurring cases of four types of assets, namely air-conditioning compressors, syringe pump, physiologic monitoring system and pulse oxymetres, being lost.

A total of 97 units of these assets, worth RM610,000, were lost.

Based on safety inspection reports prepared by HKL’s security division, the urology and nephrology department as well as the physiotherapy department, outpatient treatment centre, paediatric institute and forensics institute are high risk areas where air conditioning compressors constantly go missing.

As for the theft that occurred in Penang Hospital, 694 medicine stocks worth RM242,125 were stolen in February 2013.

A final report was issued in July 2013 and the hospital is awaiting further action from the relevant authorities.

1 comment: said...

Have you been able to replace the Shimadzu Panel yet?