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Saturday 25 October 2014

Radical Islamic cleric declares BRITISH law is BRITAIN

RADICAL cleric Anjem Choudary sparked fury today by declaring he 'doesn't accept' that British law is valid in the UK.

By: Jason Taylor
The 46-year-old hate preacher made the extraordinary statement when asked if jihadist fighters returning from Syria should have their passports confiscated and be charged under anti-terror laws.

Choudary blasted: "I don't accept British law. If you have a law, you need to apply it universally. These laws are only being applied against Muslims.

"This [anti-terror legislation] is purely being hyped-up to support the bombing campaign that is taking place in Iraq and Syria.

" He also spoke of his support for Islamic State (ISIS) and claimed a ban on jihadists returning to Britain would 'alienate' the Muslim community.

He added: "If these guys have actually not committed any crime in England, then why are we stopping them returning?

"I think it's a very ill thought-out policy, I don't think it will work.

 "I think it will disenfranchise the Muslim community here, I think it would be a cause of further radicalisation in this country."

 Choudary has always denied that he has incited or glorified acts of terrorism.

His comments, which were immediately condemned as 'dangerous' by anti-extremist organisations, came in an Express Debate with Douglas Murray, Associate Director at the Henry Jackson Society.

A visibly angry Mr Murray, who has profiled Mr Choudary for this website: "Don't pose as the defender of citizens in Syria and Iraq when the thing you would wish to impose on those people is the most barbaric and authoritarian form of government the world has ever have seen.

 "The bombing campaign is taking place to try and stop people in those countries being dictated to by Mr Choudary's friends in ISIS.

"The first victims, in both of these countries, are Muslims.

"They're Muslims of the kind that these people, in this 'perfect Islamic State' think can legitimately be killed.  But they are Muslims."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Why not send this Choudery to the IS and he can be happy to accept their law.
It is so called " muslim" clerics like him that gave bad image to Islam.