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Wednesday 1 October 2014

Islam hijacked, says Dr M

He criticises religious leaders and scholars for not condemning violent acts by extremist groups.

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has denounced what he calls the “hijacking” of Islam by forces who have misunderstood the meaning of jihad.

In his latest posting on his blog, he said these parties had replaced the teachings of Islam with doctrines that are anathema to the religion, posing anxiety and danger to all Muslims and Islam itself.

According to Mahathir, the call to jihad and its promise of martyrdom has a compelling attraction to Muslims who are not well versed in Islamic teachings.

“In truth, Muslims who wage war with other Muslims are committing acts that contradict Islam, which calls for brotherhood among Muslims,” he said.

“Doesn’t God command in the Quran that if two groups of Muslims are in conflict, another party should make peace between them?”

Referring to recent reports of Malaysians joining the war in Syria, he said: “Are they actually waging jihad or doing the work of America and the Jews?

“Malaysians are volunteering to kill other Muslims, justifying their act by claiming that their enemies are the Shias. They think the Shias are not Muslims.”

He lamented that the Shias are being killed mercilessly just for professing a different expression of Islam.

“The same goes for the Shias who kill the Sunnis,” he said.

He criticised religious leaders and scholars in Malaysia for not condemning the violent acts by extremist groups.

“There are some (who are) believed to have blessed these Malaysian militants,” he said.

“Please save the sacred religion of Islam from those who are trying to change its character by replacing its noble teachings with despicable ones.”

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