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Friday 3 October 2014

AG in all directions on Sedition Act

The PM should make a stand on the AG’s review of sedition cases and give an update on his 2012 promise to repeal the Act.

KUALA LUMPUR: Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail appears to be bent on stepping up the sedition blitz even after pledging a review of the slew of sedition prosecutions. The review itself, if genuine, is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, said Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang in a statement.

“There’s a climate of fear and repression.”

Lim said that he’s at a loss over Gani’s take that the review is “a normal procedure”.

He hopes that Gani is also not implying that “the intensification of malicious and selective sedition prosecutions and investigations against Opposition leaders and activists during the review is also a normal procedure”.

Gani, according to Lim, should take the cue from law professor Dr. Azmi Sharom being allowed to challenge the constitutionality of the Sedition Act.

“He should halt all sedition investigations and charges, as well as suspend all pending sedition prosecutions until the outcome of the challenge on the constitutionality of the Sedition Act,” said Lim.

He noted that Gani had said on Sept. 9 that the final decision on the review of sedition prosecutions will be made “soon”.

“Can Gani explain how soon is his ‘soon’? Could it be as long as months and even years, until he steps down as Attorney-General? asked Lim.

“In fact, nobody knows whether Gani is serious about such review of sedition prosecutions, who are undertaking the review and whether it has even started.”

Such secrecy is totally against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s National Transformation Programme promising accountability, transparency and an open government, added Lim.

The DAP leader wants Najib to make a ministerial statement on the review when Parliament reconvenes on Tues 7 Oct. He also wants to know “the state of his promise in 2012 to repeal the Sedition Act”.

“Sedition cases have become the staple obsession in Malaysia, as if Malaysians have become the most ‘seditious’ people in the world,” said Lim.

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