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Wednesday 3 September 2014

'Arrogant non-Malays' jab aimed at DAP, says Zahid - Malaysiakini

Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is reported as saying today that his statement accusing non-Malays of becoming arrogant was in reference to DAP leaders and supporters in particular.

He said the majority of non-Malays in Malaysia are moderates who respect the sentiments and sensitivities of other races.

“But it cannot be denied that DAP supporters had taken a different approach with their arrogant method of politicking,” The Star quoted him as saying today.

He reportedly said that earlier reports quoting him as saying that non-Malays are increasing arrogant and are insulting the bumiputera, the royalty and Islam, had been taken out of context.

Zahid was apparently referring to theSun, which carried a report today quoting him as making the “arrogant” statement.

“We allowed them to be indebted to us without needing them to pay it back; they are now insulting Islam and Malays under the pretext of democracy, freedom of speech, and globalisation,” he is quoted as saying.

According to The Star, Zahid said this was evident from the comments made by DAP and its supporters, especially those posted on news portals and the social media.

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