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Thursday 3 July 2014

Zainuddin’s ranting shows arrogance

The rantings and ravings of some prominent political figures show just how shallow their interpretation of Malaysian politics is.

By Chua Tong Ka

Dear Zainuddin Maidin,

As a former cabinet minister and chief editor of Utusan Malaysia, I am sure you are far wiser than what your rantings about MCA suggest of you.

I am assuming that what you wrote was more political in nature rather than based on national or public interest. Make no mistake – I am in no position to defend MCA. I am just trying to make sense of your arguments.

First, please don’t tell those who disagree with you politically to go to hell (pergi mampus). That is akin to cussing and rather tribalist of you. If you were from one of our many uncouth NGOs, I would be better able to accept it.

Asking others to go to hell takes absolutely no courage or heroism on your part as it only shows up your arrogance and bullying nature, thinking that others are powerless to rebut you.

I presume the notion of “ketuanan” and dominance is totally ingrained in your psyche. Hence, MCA must kiss the hand of BN and show gratitude now that the party is back in the cabinet.

By all means argue that UMNO has taken pity on MCA. On the other hand, has it ever occurred to you that MCA and other component parties in BN are hapless and have sacrificed too much in the past for UMNO’s wayward ways?

You are right – MCA was decimated in the last general election. But as a thinking man, you ought to know the reasons why unless your intransigence and parochialism have completely blinded you.

The Prime Minister appointed MCA to the cabinet out of political expediency and reality, not because he took pity on MCA. At least I could get that right.

What are you ranting about when MCA is trying to get the support of the Chinese back? Is this not what Barisan Nasional advocates – each party for its own race?

You fail to see that getting back the support of the Chinese is not about being anti-Malay. Just as criticising the Home Affairs Minister on his statement about the cow head incident is not anti-Malay.

I am sure you know the difference – anti-racism and anti-sectarianism are different from being anti-Malay.

You are a former minister – you should not behave like those unfortunate NGO personalities, who prefer to twist and turn everything into either anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-royalty rhetoric.

I expected much more from you.

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