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Sunday 27 April 2014

Prison going against court order, says Uthayakumar’s wife

The Kajang Prisons Department is not complying with the High Court order by placing the Hindraf leader with other hardcore criminals.

PETALING JAYA: A committal proceeding has been filed against the Kajang Prisons Department for not complying with the High Court order that jailed Hindraf leader P Uthayakumar should be placed with other political prisoners.

Uthayakumar’s wife S Indra Devi told FMT that the proceeding was filed by lawyers M Manoharan and M Manogaran at the High Court yesterday.

Kajang prison director Abdul Wahab Abdul Kassim and prison officers Sajideh Samin and McKenzie were named as respondents. The date to hear the notice of the motion is not yet known.

Uthayakumar’s counsels also requested for High Court Judge Mohd Azman Husin to preside over the matter and to give judgment as to why his directives were not followed.

“The saddest part is that although he is a politician, he is placed together with hardcore criminals.

“He’s not a murderer, drug dealer or even an armed robber. Why are they treating him like a hardcore criminal?” Indra Devi told FMT today.

She added that Judge Mohd Azman’s orders to allow Uthayakumar to meet with his family members for an hour every week has also not been obeyed.

“Despite the court order, sometimes the police chase me off, telling me I cannot meet him.

“If the judge did not allow me to meet him, then that’s fine. But the judge did allow me. It seems like everything is in the police’s hands and not the judge’s.”

She added that it has been two weeks since she last spoke to her husband.

“Usually he will call me every Wednesday. But he has not been done so for the past two weeks. The privileges for him to call once a week should also continue,” she stressed.

She claimed that the police has currently placed her husband in a “dark room”, she believes this is due to her husband having angered the prison department officials.

“Because he has made a lot of complaints on behalf of the other prisoners, that’s the reason why he was placed in a dark room.

“He does not deserve to be in a dark room. I was told that those with heart problems should not be in such a room.

“He has complained of chest pains. And sleeping on the floor has not helped his prolapsed disc,” she said.

Indra Devi also expressed hope for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to make time and “see for himself the condition of Uthayakumar”.

“I believe the letters that have been sent to the Prime Minister will make him realise that Uthayakumar does not deserve to be in prison,” she said.

Uthayakumar was jailed for two years and six months after he was found guilty under the Sedition Act on June 6, 2013.

He found himself in trouble with the authorities for having written a letter to former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in 2007 claiming that Malaysia was indulging in the ethnic cleansing of minority Indians.

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