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Friday 28 March 2014

Hisham: Malaysian delegation to leave for Perth

The team, which will include officers from DCA, MAS and the military will assist the Australians in the search for MH370.

PETALING JAYA: A Malaysian delegation would be leaving for Perth, Australia soon to assist in the search and rescue operation in the Indian Ocean

In a press statement today, Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that the high level team will comprise officers from the Department of Civil Aviation ( DCA), Malaysia Airlines, Royal Malaysian Navy and the Royal Malaysian Air Force.

“The team will work closely with the Australian Rescue Coordination Centre to assist with the search operation, “ he said.

Earlier today, British media Sky News reported that the Thai satellite had picked up images of about 300 objects floating in the Indian Ocean, possibly from the crashed flight MH370.

The items’ size were said to be in the range from two to 15 meters (6.5 to 50 feet) and were scattered over an area of about 1,700 miles southwest of Perth.

The sightings was announced by Thailand’s Geo Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISDA)

However, search and rescue effort at the area was hampered due to bad weather in the Indian Ocean

There are now five different satellite leads which are pointing towards debris, possibly from MH370′s wreckage.

Hishammuddin, who is also Defence Minister, said that he had met a Chinese delegation yesterday, led by Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui, to brief him on the technical aspect of the search and rescue work and their findings that led to the conclusion that MH370 has crashed in the Indian Ocean.

“And today, Zhang met the Chinese relatives of those on board flight MH370, who are currently in Kuala Lumpur.

“Rest assured that Malaysia is committed to working closely with China and will share all information pertaining flight MH370,” said Hishammuddin.

On the search and rescue operation, he said that nine planes were deployed to the Indian Ocean to find the debris today, which included planes and ships from China, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

“However, the SAR operation was suspended at 11.40am due to bad weather conditions,” said Hishammuddin.

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