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Sunday 8 December 2013

Najib Calls For Sacrifice From Members For UMNO's Survival

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 7 (Bernama) -- At the conclusion of the UMNO General Assembly 2013 Saturday, party president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak gave a most meaningful mandate to the 3.4 million UMNO members to make sacrifices to ensure the survival of the party, religion, race and country.

In his message and advice which were conveyed in an allegorical manner, Najib, among others, reminded members never to betray the party just because they did not get what they had aspired for.

He said that while there might be those who were sulking or disappointed with the party, they should not do anything that could result in the party that had championed their cause all this while to be destroyed just like that.

"If UMNO is defeated and buried, if UMNO is no longer in power, eventually everything will be meaningless," he said when winding the debate at the conclusion of the assembly.

Najib reminded UMNO members and the Malays to refrain from harbouring any feelings of jealousy and not to slander one another because this could destroy themselves. On the other hand, they should always be open in facing the tribulations and challenges.

Najib said although UMNO, as a party was still inadequate, every member must realise that their struggles today would ensure the party's survival in future.

To the party's 'old-timers', Najib hoped that they would have no regrets for having served and fought for the party although their deeds and services had never received any recognition.

Meanwhile, the prime minister pointed out that UMNO was never deterred or disappointed in championing the sanctity of Islam, the welfare of the Malays and Bumiputera as well as the country's sovereignty although they had been slandered by the opposition.

Najib's speech had also raised the spirits of the delegates when he called on UMNO members to rise and support the struggles to defend UMNO and the nation.

Earlier in his speech, Najib outlined three key messages for UMNO delegates to observed.

He said the main message centred on the government determination to uphold Islamic teachings and principles and defend its dignity and sanctity.

UMNO, he said, had received a signal from members to continue to empower the Bumiputera Economic Agenda.

"Let me assure you that my friends and I are committed in fulfilling the party's aspirations, " he said.

The UMNO president also emphasised the seriousness of the party's machinery at all levels in transforming the party to ensure that it would continue to remain relevant and hold the reins of the country.

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