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Sunday 4 August 2013

Saudi girl ends life to 'burn hearts' of family

A 25-year-old poured petrol on her body and set herself ablaze to protest mistreatment by her family, saying she was burning herself to burn the hearts of her family.

Hanan al Shahri had reported her brother and uncle to the police after they beat her up many times and prevented her from marrying her fiancée.

Just a day before she committed a suicide, she wrote on her social network account, telling her sisters:”forgive me if I die…do not give up my rights.”

“At around 2.30 am, my sister went to the back garden and poured petrol on her body..perhaps she was only threatening to kill herself as the she lit a match and the fire appeared to have caught her by accident,” said her sister, Aisha.

“Just before she was ablaze, she was screaming…’I will burn your hearts as you have burned my rights,” Aisha said, quoted by Sharq newspaper.

She said that her sister had reported her brother and uncle to the police in the eastern town of Dammam but was told that she had to get a medical report, which she could not because of her poor health condition following the torture.

She said police arrested her uncle following Hanan’s suicide but that her brother remained free, adding that she and all other younger sisters are refusing to go back home and are staying at a government social protection house.

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