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Monday 29 July 2013

HM accused of telling students to 'balik India, China'

Coming hot on the heels of the shower room canteen imbroglio is another allegation that a principal of a secondary school in Shah Alam hurled racial abuses at her students.

It is claimed that the principal told her Chinese and Indian students to return to their respective ancestral lands.

Shah Alam MIC deputy division chief A Prakash Rao said the incident allegedly took place during the school assembly last Monday.

"Based on the complaints I received from the parents, the principal was furious because the students were making a racket during her speech.

"She then scolded all the students but later targeted the Chinese and Indian students, telling them to 'Balik India dan China' (Go back to India and China)," he told Malaysiakini.

Prakash said that the students then informed their parents, who later brought it to his attention.

In an attempt to verify the allegation, the MIC leader led a delegation to the school this morning but the principal was on leave.

"When we told the school management that we would return tomorrow, they informed us that the principal had a meeting elsewhere and won't be in... so we told them that we would return on Wednesday then.

"We  intend to get to the bottom of this matter," he stressed.

Parents afraid of lodging report
Responding to a question, the MIC leader said that the parents were afraid of lodging a police report following what transpired after the SK Sri Pristana incident was exposed.

A parent who uploaded photographs of SK Sri Pristina students eating in the shower room had received phone calls from unknown individuals threatening to kidnap her daughter.

"So these parents are worried about their safety and the safety of their children," said Prakash.

He said the disgruntled parents had complained that while Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak promoted the 1Malaysia agenda, it was not practiced on the ground.

"This is becoming a never-ending saga...

"It is like that Tamil proverb...'God grants us a boon but the priest stands in our way'," he said, referring to Najib's 1Malaysia slogan and the civil service's failure to implement it.

If the latest incident was true, Prakash said the Education Ministry must take severe action against the principal.

"How could a person tasked with overseeing both teachers and students do this. If the principal herself utters such things, imagine what the students would think?

"These students would also resort to such racist rants thinking that it was justified to do so given that a principal could do it. This culture must be stopped," he added.

Since Malaysiakini could not reach the principal or the school authorities for comment, the name of the school would be withheld for now.

1 comment:

Mind control said...

I have heard all this type of remarks for almost 10 years since 2008 election by many parties has said--MP's have said the same remarka, Papers have said the same remarks. Not even one action has been taken against those irresponsible papers and MP's. I hope PAS leaders will come forward solve these problem if they want VOTE from non muslim.