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Monday 29 April 2013

Is Malaysiakini campaigning for Pakatan Rakyat ?

By Saravanan

Malaysiakini is a Malaysian online news website and its editorial news claims to be built on independent news. Even though there has been reports of some high profile PR leaders like Sivarasa who are shareholders of Malaysikini, they still claim to be independent and fair in their reporting. On 28/04/2013 at Port Klang, on a PR campaign session, a senior member of Malaysiakini team Jiwi Kathaiah was surprisingly one of the speakers of the night campaigning for PR. For 45 minutes this Malaysiakini reporter was giving a one sided view of HINDRAF bashing. How is it so can Malaysiakini claim to be, so called 'Independent' but its team is very actively involved in PR campaigning ? Does it not compromise on their journalistic ethics ? Should SUHAKAM and the Election Commission be notified of this ? Could this senior Malaysiakini team member continue to be a team of Malaysiakini but on his supposedly free time go on PR ceramah's to campaign for PR and at the same time be entrusted to cover HINDRAF related news and report in an unbiased manner ? Do not journalists have some kind of code of ethics in their profession ? Malaysiakini must come out strongly and deny this if it indeed is not true as they are responsible to the their many paying subscribers to report independently and not slanted towards a political party. Stern action must be taken to Jiwi Kathaiah and reprimanded for his clear and open posturing towards PR.

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