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Saturday 2 March 2013

ROS stops investigations into Suaram

The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: The Registrar of Societies (ROS) has stopped all investigations into Suaram. The Attorney-General will also not be taking any action against Suaram in relation to the ROS investigations.

Suaram lead counsel Edmund Bon told High Court judge Justice Zaleha Yusof this in chambers Thursday at the outset of their application for leave for a judicial review against the ROS notice dated Oct 5, ordering Suaram lawyer Roger Chan to produce privileged documents under Section 51(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Bon said Suaram, which is registered as a company - Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd - received letters from the ROS and A-G on Wednesday saying that all investigations had stopped and the case was closed.

Senior federal counsel Shamsul Bolhassan confirmed the A-G would not be taking any further action.

Bon asked for an adjournment to March 11, saying there were more than 10 orders/notices/summonses that were issued to various individuals who were either related or not related to Suaram.

He said they wanted the A-G's Chambers to have the ROS issue a letter stating that they would withdraw or cancel all the orders/notices/summonses.

He said that if they did not get the letter, they would proceed with their application for leave in court.

Justice Zaleha ordered the respondents, who include the ROS, Home Minister and Inspector-General of Police, to issue the letter and fixed March 11 for case management.

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