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Monday 18 March 2013

53 days on, Sugumar's last rites still can't be done

53 days C Sugumar, who allegedly died in police custody 53 days ago, has yet to have his last rites because his family is facing political pressure pressure to prevent their pathologist of choice – Thailand's Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand - from conducting a second autopsy.

The family of the deceased is now placed in a difficult position between choosing to complete the necessary Hindu rituals for the youngest son or wait in the hope of receiving closure from a second autopsy that is no where in sight, said family lawyer N Surendran.

Surendran said according to Hindu practices, special ceremonies were needed on the 16th and 30th day from when the body is cremated.

But until now, they cannot do it because the second autopsy still cannot be conducted and the remains is still in Hospital Sedang's morgue, said Surendran.

"On Friday, Sugumar's family already went to the Prime Minister's Office to present a letter of demand for the premier (Najib Abdul Razak) to withdraw the ban on Pornthip so the second autopsy can be conducted.

"We will wait another 48 hours for an answer or else we will be forced to make a larger peaceful gathering to press the family's demands," he told Malaysiakini.

Pornthip had initially accepted the request for her services but it later retracted on advise from the Thai government.
Turmeric powder

She was previously engaged by the Selangor government for her expertise in the controversial death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock who was found dead on July 15, 2009, on the fifth floor of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam after plunging from the 14th floor.

It was later revealed that the Thai Ministry of Justice had in an internal report expressed concern that her involvement may court the displeasure of the Malaysian government.

In the ministry's internal report sighted by Malaysiakini, it stated: "In the case of Mr Sugumar’s death, which happened in Selangor - a state governed by the opposition - the Malaysian government may again worry that Dr Pornthip’s action, her interviews or any of her statements may be exploited by the opposition, which will impact negatively on the government at a time when the general election is approaching".

Najib has dismissed claims that the Malaysian government was blocking Pornthip from providing her services to Sugumar's family as a "fairy tale".

Sugumar was on Jan 23 found dead in handcuffs with his face covered in turmeric powder after being detained by police.

The first autopsy which was conducted at Hospital Serdang concluded that Sugumar died of a heart attack - a conclusion rejected by his family.

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