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Sunday 17 February 2013

Two women murdered on Valentine's Day


Two women were killed on Valentine's Day in different parts of the country.

A woman was shot to death by her ex-husband on Thursday in the northern province of Samsun. The incident took place when Gürsel B. came across his ex-wife on the street. Gürsel B. reportedly shot Yasemin Kadı several times before running away. Witnesses who saw the incident immediately called the police. The seriously injured Kadı was taken to a nearby hospital, where she subsequently died. Police have launched an investigation to find Gürsel B.

Another incident took place in the southern province of Hatay. A woman was killed by a man after rejecting his proposal of marriage. Mehmet Topbaş proposed to his relative Serpil Topbaş, who had divorced her husband a year ago. When he was rejected by Serpil, he became agitated and made death threats against her. When she repeated her unwillingness to marry him, Mehmet stabbed Serpil, who died at the scene. He later called the police, admitting that he had stabbed a woman and wanted to turn himself in. The police later arrested the man after interrogating him at the police station.

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