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Friday 1 February 2013

600 IC numbers being shared, RCI told

The National Registration Department (NRD) said today there are some 600 problematic blue identity card numbers that are being shared by more than one person.

"Yes, they are in our records, about 600 of them," NRD headquarters identity card division director Md Solehan Omar testified at the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah.

Solehan said this when asked by conducting officer Manoj Kurup whether allegations of more than one person using the same identity card number were true.

However, Solehan did not elaborate on the matter as neither conducting officers, nor watching brief lawyers pressed him on this issue.
He also explained that NRD faced problematic blue identity card applications in Sabah but was unable to provide figures.

The problem, he explained, was due to discrepancies between information on the application forms and those in NRD’s system.

"The pictures, names or fingerprints are not the same as in NRD’s records," he said.

'Panel to fix problem'

However, he said the agency had since taken corrective measures and disciplianry action had been taken against those responsible.

"We have formed a special panel since 2006 to scrutinise, go through the data and re-do the interviews done in Sabah for the identity cards," he said.

He added that the effort was still ongoing but added that he did not have the figures with him.

However, Md Solehan denied that blue identity cards had been illegally given out to immigrants.

Also taking the stand today was Kota Kinabalu Immigration Department special unit chief Abdul Khalid Abdul Karim, who explained the documents the agency uses in handling immigrants.

He added that as of December last year, a total of 98,427 IMM13 document, a pass for refugees, had been issued. Of  that number t, 60,248 of are still active through renewal.

He explained that the inactive ones could mean the refugees could have gone on to apply for permanent citizenship, returned to their countries of origin, or had passed away.


Unknown said...

Baguslah kalau JPN telah menyimpan roked untuk mereka ini. Jangan biarkan mereka ini terlepas dan perlu disiasat.

Unknown said...

RCI juga telah banyak membantu membongkarkan sendikit Projek IC ini.

Unknown said...

Tahniah juga kepada kerjaan yang ditadbir oleh Datuk Najib kerana berani memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan penduduk Sabah.

Unknown said...

Datuk Najib perlu dicontohi oleh pemimpin lain. Walaupun penbuhan RCI ini dapat menggugat Kerajaan BN namun ini juga adalah satu kejayaan untuk BN membuktikan kepada rakyat.

Unknown said...

Masalah IC projek ini sememangnya perlu diambil tindakan serius untuk memastikan masalah ini selesai.

Unknown said...

Bermasalah betul dengan individu yang mempunyai ic yang sama ini.

Unknown said...

JPN tidak akan duduk diam selagi isu IC ini tidak selesai. Percayalah dengan JPN.

Unknown said...

Setakat mana kebenaran itu masih menjadi tanda tanya sekarang ini.

Unknown said...

Mereka yang mempunya IC yang sama pasti akan disiasat dan dibatalkan IC buat sementara untuk siasatan.

Unknown said...

Ini adalah cara yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini sepenuhnya.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia continues to progress because Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak sees and hears the people.

Anonymous said...

Upko president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said the transformations brought by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government was all about what the people wanted.

Anonymous said...

“In the next election the prime minister will lead the BN and it is only fair for us to give him the mandate to run the country because of what he has done,” he said.

Anonymous said...

He pointed out the next election will be the first time Najib is taking the lead of the BN camp and to vote for the coalition would mean an endorsement of his leadership.

Anonymous said...

Dompok also stressed that cooperation among component parties in the coming election was vital to ensure victory for the BN and assured that Upko will play its part.

Anonymous said...

Dompok said for now the RCI needs to be given time to look into the issue and it should be supported by all.

Anonymous said...

“There are skeptics who said it is not good or it should be completed before the election but to me we have been waiting for it all these years, what is waiting a little while longer?

Anonymous said...

“Instead the people who are skeptical should instead come forward and help with the inquiry because this is their opportunity to set things right,” he stressed.

Anonymous said...

Dompok said transformations put in place by the Najib administration were not only physical but even in the mindset of the civil service and its coalition leaders towards giving recognition to many of the emotions expressed by the people.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

In their quest to win our votes, Malaysia's political parties have a duty to be honest and factual in what they say. Lying, scaremongering and otherwise deceiving voters is a betrayal of the trust that is fundamental in a democracy.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Those parties also owe it to voters to ask questions before presenting anything they see or hear as fact. But this process was sadly absent this week when PAS seized on a patently false letter stating that uncollected Mykad and Mykid identity cards are being sent to Sabah and handed out to foreigners so they can vote at GE13.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Without pausing for a moment to check its veracity, PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar has righteously demanded the Government explain the letter. The implication being that the mythical beneficiaries of these ID cards are being roped in to vote for Sabah BN candidates.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

"I am concerned that these identity cards, which should be destroyed, are being given to foreigners to allow them to vote," he thundered, before bothering to wonder out loud if the document was indeed genuine.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Had Mahfuz taken just a minute to check with the National Registration Department, he would have found out that the letter is an unsophisticated fake. That's exactly what Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein did when the matter was brought to his attention, before admonishing Mahfuz Thursday.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

"People should stop believing these kind of rumours as it is dangerously misleading and it is meant for political purposes," he said.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

But Hishamuddin is giving PAS too much credit. The Islamist party didn't check for the simple reason that they didn't want to spoil an anti-Government story with the inconvenient truth. And it's not just any anti-government story, but one that plays on the rakyat's unfounded fears of unchecked immigration from the Philippines and Indonesia.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Interestingly, the story was treated as absolutely verified by the depressing Malaysia Chronicle. At least this means we know what this tawdry site's role will be for Pakatan Rakyat as we near GE13.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

So why did Mahfuz choose to make political capital from a false letter, yet fail to mention that 446,219 illegal immigrants have been deported from Sabah in the past 22 years? Or that 879 illegal immigrants were deported in January alone?

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Perhaps it is because these are facts that don't suit PAS or Pakatan Rakyat. These numbers were offered in evidence at the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) this week by Datuk Suhaimi Mohd Salleh of the Federal Special Taskforce, but they don't chime with Mahfuz's negative agenda.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Immigration, both legal and illegal, is a highly-emotive sensitive issue around the world. It requires a measured response by Government which is exactly what is occurring in this country.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Seeking to exploit it for political gain is one thing, but relying on documents that can exposed as forgeries with a single phone call is downright irresponsible.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Mahfuz's antics are a warning to voters. As the election approaches and the Opposition parties get desperate, they will resort to tactics both fair and foul to win our trust. Voters must not fall for it.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

Just this week we were forced to endure DAP advisor and head of the Lim Dynasty Lim Kit Siang using the tragic death of six-year-old William Yau Zhen Zhong to score cheap political points. Two days after his body was found Kit Siang tweeted: "6 years William Yau's tragic death-apart from Umno/BN ministers/leaders, Malaysia just not safe even for Children like William ".

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

How any politician could hijack the private suffering of William's grieving parents for his own political cause beggars belief.

Bea Raymond Kisil said...

What we have seen so far is only the start. Is it too much to ask that the candidates campaign fairly as we head to GE13? Or are these dirty tricks a sign or worse things to come?

Anonymous said...

Dr Mahathir berkata, beliau mungkin tidak mempunyai bukti yang boleh dikemukakan di mahkamah, tetapi beliau “mempunyai pengetahuan” mengenai kemungkinan salahlaku Anwar.
Katanya, beliau akan memberi keterangan kepada suruhanjaya siasatan diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah jika dipanggil.

Anonymous said...

Dr Mahathir berkata Anwar Ibrahim turut terlibat dalam pemberian IC kepada warga asing pada tahun 90an.

Anonymous said...

Anwar sebelum ini menafikan beliau terlibat dengan projek IC di Sabah, dan bersedia untuk memberikan keterangan kepada suruhanjaya siasatan, jika dipanggil.

Anonymous said...

Anwar berkata sepanjang beliau menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri, beliau tidak terlibat secara langsung dalam hal tersebut.

Anonymous said...

Tapi masih ada ramai saksi yang boleh membuktikan bahawa Anwar Ibrahim terlibat.

kamilla said...

Boleh percaya kh dengan kata-kata Anwar bahawa beliau tidak terlibat langsung dalam kes ic projek.

kamilla said...

Kita harap kes Pati akan selesai dengan kerjasama semua pihak.

mantera said...

Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) akan membatalkan kad pengenalan (IC) yang bermasalah dan mengeluarkannya daripada rekod JPN.

mantera said...

Pengarah Bahagian Kad Pengenalan JPN di Putrajaya Md Solehan Omar berkata, IC yang dikategorikan sebagai bermasalah dan layak dikeluarkan daripada rekod JPN

mantera said...

Jawatankuasa Khas Kad Pengenalan Sabah dan Sarawak ditubuhkan pada 2006 bagi mengatasi masalah pengeluaran IC yang tidak teratur yang dianggotai ketua pengarah JPN, pengarah bahagian IC dan juga ketua-ketua unit JPN di Sabah dan Sarawak.

mantera said...

Jawatankuasa ini akan menjalankan semakan dan siasatan terhadap aduan mengenai IC yang diterima dari JPN Sabah sebelum membuat keputusan untuk menerima atau menolak IC itu

mantera said...

jawatankuasa itu akan membatalkan permohonan IC yang bermasalah dan tidak layak dan mengeluarkan nama pemegang IC itu dari rekod JPN.

mantera said...

Jawatankuasa Khas itu bagaimanapun tidak dapat mendedahkan jumlah sebenar IC bermasalah yang berjaya diselesaikan kerana proses itu masih berterusan.

mantera said...

sepatutnya satu nombor kad pengenalan (IC) sahaja dipegang oleh seorang individu.

mantera said...

Merujuk kepada pengeluaran resit JPN1/9 iaitu dokumen pengenalan diri yang diberikan kepada pemohon sementara IC siap, dan resit JPN1/11 iaitu resit laporan kehilangan IC, beliau berkata kedua-dua resit itu boleh didaftarkan untuk mengundi kerana ianya resit rasmi yang dikeluarkan JPN.

mantera said...

melalui ALIS, jabatan seperti Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Kementerian Kesihatan, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam, pihak polis dan banyak lagi boleh menyemak maklumat individu seperti nombor IC, nama, alamat, dan tempat lahir.

mantera said...

jawatankuasa itu tidak menghubungi jabatan seperti SPR apabila nama pemohon IC yang tidak layak telah dikeluarkan daripada rekod JPN kerana ianya boleh diketahui melalui ALIS.

mantera said...

JPN Sabah dan Sarawak juga pergi ke kawasan pedalaman negeri itu yang penduduknya tidak mempunyai sijil kelahiran bagi menjalankan proses mendaftar sijil kelahiran baharu atau sijil lewat daftar.

mantera said...

sehingga Disember 2012 seramai 98,427 kad IMM-13 dikeluarkan kepada pelarian Filipina di negeri itu.

mantera said...

daripada jumlah itu, 60,248 pemegang kad itu masih aktif berdasarkan permohonan rekod lanjutan masa yang dibuat pemegang kad tersebut manakala bakinya mungkin tidak membuat lanjutan masa, meninggal dunia atau sudah kembali ke negara asal.

mantera said...

kad IMM-13 itu sah laku dalam tempoh setahun dan jika pemegangnya telah disabitkan di mahkamah, kad itu akan dibatalkan oleh pengarah Imigresen.