Indian NGOs are staging a protest against the ex-PM tomorrow over his call to form a RCI to probe the granting of citizenship prior to independence.
PETALING JAYA: A coalition of Indian NGOs is incensed with former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad over his call to investigate the granting of citizenship prior to independence.
“Mahathir should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up.
“It seems that thousands of Indians are left in limbo over their citizenship unlike in Sabah where immigrants were given citizenship for his political agenda.
“He has no right to compare himself with Tunku Abdul Rahman (the father of independence),” said Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (Mipas) secretary-general S Barathidasan.
The NGO leader said that setting up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) as suggested by Mahathir would be a waste of time.
Malaysians, he stressed, had lost their “trust, confidence and respect” for the former prime minister, who stepped down in 2003 after more than two decades in office.
Mahathir’s racist remarks, he added, were potentially seditious as it was tantamount to alleging that Chinese and Indians had at the time gained their citizenship through illegal means.
“We find that there is no need to re-ignite a debate on the awarding of citizenship prior to the nation’s independence as it has already been accepted as a historical fact,” he added.
On Saturday, Mahathir said that the granting of citizenships to one million foreign immigrants who came to Malaysia before independence was done by Tunku even though it was not provided in the law at the time.
“This situation came about because the Malays are generous and prepared to dilute their power, and this is very different from what happened in Sabah because they had the right to have citizenships,” he added when asked to comment on the criticisms against him regarding the granting of citizenship to immigrants in Sabah.
Dubbed as the “Project IC”, the Sabah matter was currently the subject of scrutiny by a RCI.
Meanwhile, Barathidasan also criticised Mahathir for taking a racial slant since his retirement and churning out incendiary comments regarding the non-Malays.
“The former premier should first clear the air over the rumour that he pursued a medical degree under the Indian quota back then,” he said, referring to Mahathir’s Indian roots.
Barathidasan said MIPAS together with several other groups would stage a protest against Mahathir tomorrow at Brickfields around noon and urged the public to join in.
“Mahathir should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up.
“It seems that thousands of Indians are left in limbo over their citizenship unlike in Sabah where immigrants were given citizenship for his political agenda.
“He has no right to compare himself with Tunku Abdul Rahman (the father of independence),” said Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (Mipas) secretary-general S Barathidasan.
The NGO leader said that setting up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) as suggested by Mahathir would be a waste of time.
Malaysians, he stressed, had lost their “trust, confidence and respect” for the former prime minister, who stepped down in 2003 after more than two decades in office.
Mahathir’s racist remarks, he added, were potentially seditious as it was tantamount to alleging that Chinese and Indians had at the time gained their citizenship through illegal means.
“We find that there is no need to re-ignite a debate on the awarding of citizenship prior to the nation’s independence as it has already been accepted as a historical fact,” he added.
On Saturday, Mahathir said that the granting of citizenships to one million foreign immigrants who came to Malaysia before independence was done by Tunku even though it was not provided in the law at the time.
“This situation came about because the Malays are generous and prepared to dilute their power, and this is very different from what happened in Sabah because they had the right to have citizenships,” he added when asked to comment on the criticisms against him regarding the granting of citizenship to immigrants in Sabah.
Dubbed as the “Project IC”, the Sabah matter was currently the subject of scrutiny by a RCI.
Meanwhile, Barathidasan also criticised Mahathir for taking a racial slant since his retirement and churning out incendiary comments regarding the non-Malays.
“The former premier should first clear the air over the rumour that he pursued a medical degree under the Indian quota back then,” he said, referring to Mahathir’s Indian roots.
Barathidasan said MIPAS together with several other groups would stage a protest against Mahathir tomorrow at Brickfields around noon and urged the public to join in.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Dalam menghadapi PRU13 yang kian mendekat, Anwar Ibrahim berusaha menimbulkan pelbagai isu untuk menghakis kepercayaan rakyat terhadap Kerajaan UMNO-BN sama ada di peringkat negeri mahupun di peringkat Pusat.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Selepas satu demi satu isu yang dimainkan, hanyut begitu sahaja dan pendedahan menunjukkan penglibatan serius Anwar dalam rekaan isu-isu tersebut, Anwar cuba pula untuk menaikkan kemarahan rakyat Sabah menerusi isu kad pengenalan kepada pendatang asing.
Mangsanya adalah Tun Dr. Mahathir!
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Walaupun Anwar Ibrahim cukup sedar, otaknya tidak setara dengan otak Tun Dr. Mahathir, Anwar menyangkakan bekas Perdana Menteri keempat Malaysia itu sudah nyanyuk dan pelupa.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Kesempatan itu digunakan oleh Anwar Ibrahim untuk memutarbelitkan beberapa fakta termasuklah penggunaan beberapa orang saksi yang diketahui pernah menjadi tahanan KEMTA kerana terbabit dengan skandal kad pengenalan biru yang mengancam keselamatan negara.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi-saksi tersebut, kini dipersoalkan, memandangkan kesemua mereka adalah individu yang terbabit dalam jenayah berkenaan. Dengan kata lain, mereka merupakan individu-individu yang mudah didorong oleh wang ringgit walaupun terpaksa mengkhianati negara.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Dan sekarang, mereka menjadi saksi bagi pihak Anwar Ibrahim dan DAP yang mempersoalkan tentang pemberian kad pengenalan biru serta kewarganegaraan kepada kelompok warga asing beragama Islam di Sabah.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Ketika Tun Dr. Mahathir membuka mulut dengan menyatakan kesediaannya untuk memberi keterangan bagi memudahkan siasatan RCI berhubung kes tersebut, tiba-tiba sahaja YB Jamban, Azmin Ali bersuara dan kelihatan cuba untuk membela Anwar Ibrahim.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Azmin Ali cuba membersihkan tangan kotor Anwar Ibrahim dengan meletakkan seluruh kesalahan kepada Tun Dr. Mahathir yang telah menjadi Perdana Menteri dari tahun 1981-2005.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Benarkah dakwaan Azmin Ali bahawa Anwar Ibrahim tidak terlibat dalam kes pemberian kad pengenalan tersebut?
Sudah tentulah tidak!
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Bahkan Azmin Ali sangat tahu, Anwar Ibrahim adalah orang yang lebih banyak tahu tentang pendatang asing yang diberikan kad pengenalan biru dan taraf kewarganegaraan Malaysia. Sebabnya, siasatan RCI kini sedang menghala ke arahnya dan Anwar Ibrahim mulai resah dan gelisah.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Anwar Ibrahim merupakan salah seorang daripada anggota kabinet pada tahun-tahun di mana kontroversi pemberian kad pengenalan dan kewarganegaraan tersebut dipertikaikan.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Pada tahun 1991, sebuah unit khas telah ditubuhkan di bawah Pejabat Ketua Menteri Sabah untuk memantau kebanjiran pendatang haram di Sabah. Faktor tersebut bukanlah merupakan satu kebetulan apabila Anwar Ibrahim MENANG BESAR dalam perebutan jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO dengan undi terbesar kemenangannya datang dari Sabah.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Ramai yang masih ingat, bagaimana Anwar Ibrahim dengan tersenyum simpul dan penuh angkuh menyatakan, dia tidak dapat menolak pencalonan terbanyak yang diterimanya untuk menandingi jawatan yang sedang disandang oleh Allahyarham Tun Ghafar Baba pada waktu itu walaupun pada mulanya, kononnya dia tidak berminat untuk bertanding.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Pencalonan terbanyak Anwar Ibrahim untuk jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO juga datangnya dari Sabah walaupun sebelum penubuhan Unit Khas pada tahun 1991, Sabah merupakan kubu kuat Tun Ghafar Baba.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Ramai saksi yang masih hidup dan sudi menceritakan bagaimana Pejabat Timbalan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, memantau isu kebanjiran pendatang haram Sabah secara mingguan. Malah Anwar SECARA SUKARELA telah menawarkan dirinya untuk menjadi 'PEMANTAU' kebanjiran pendatang haram di Sabah.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Pendatang asing di Sabah merupakan pemain sosio-ekonomi yang sangat penting. Justeru perhatian khusus diberikan untuk masalah berkenaan. Anwar Ibrahim berjaya mempengaruhi Perdana Menteri pada ketika itu (Tun Dr. Mahathir) konon-kononnya untuk memikul tanggungjawab menangani masalah pendatang.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Anwar Ibrahim tidak sahaja dipercayai untuk menangani politik Sabah, tetapi juga WANG dan PERUNTUKAN yang sangat besar, termasuklah juga WANG PARTI.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Justeru tidaklah menghairankan bagaimana Anwar sekarang umpama berada di atas bara api. Dia kelihatan tercungap-cungap dengan siasatan yang sedang dijalankan, sehinggakan tidak mampu menunggu lebih lama untuk membuka mulut bagi melindungi dirinya. Dan bukan dengan mulutnya sahaja, dia turut menggunakan Azmin Ali bagi tujuan tersebut.
RCI Di Sabah Buatkan Anwar Resah Gelisah
Anwar should just stay at home, keep quiet and take care of his grandchildren… enough…enough….enough! The rakyat are really fed-up
Maka, tidak hairanlah mengapa Azmin Ali melalak kuat demi melindungi kekasihnya itu. Sedangkan siasatan RCI semakin lama, semakin mengarah kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Berbanding Mahathir, Anwar langsung tidak berani tampil untuk memberikan keterangan sebaliknya cuba menjadikan dirinya halimunan dan seolah-olah dia langsung tidak terlibat dalam isu berkenaan.
The granting of citizenship to immigrants before independence and immigrants of Sabah are two different issues and should be treated differently, said United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Organisation (UPKO) president, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.
The Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities said he could not find any similarity between the two issues and it would not be correct if the two matters were put on the same plate.
"The decision to allow one million immigrants in 1957 was part and parcel of building a nation and to draft a constitution. They were already here at that time together with everybody else.
"The immigrants in Sabah, came at a time when Malaysia was already formed and because we have not protected our borders that they came. So, I think it should be treated differently," he told
Dompok was asked to comment on former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's suggestion to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the granting of citizenship to one million foreign immigrants in the Federation of Malaya before it gained independence, after he was criticised for granting citizenship to 200,000 foreign immigrants in Sabah.
Dr Mahathir had before that admitted that during his tenure, he had given citizenship to Filipino refugees in Sabah who were able to meet all the requirements.
Now MCA is openly blasted Mahathir.
Sabah menjadi huru hara pasal banyak komen ni.
Listen listen!
Terkejut dan dikejutkan.
Well let see.
Azmin ali cuba menutup kesalah ketuan beliau.
RCI akan bongkar byk perkara.
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