According to Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, the government needs admissible evidence for purpose of criminal prosecution.
TAWAU: The government will act on any report or resolution by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah, said Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail.
In giving this assurance, he said, where there were criminal elements involved, action would be taken, and wrongs would be righted.
“Yes, if there are criminal offences, we will act. This is the government’s promise. That is why, the RCI was set up.
“However, we must remember, if we talk about criminal prosecution, we have to see whether there is sufficient evidence. In the RCI, everything that people say is acknowledged, but without evidence, we cannot accept. We can accept hearsay evidence.
“To enable us to go to court, we have to look at admissible evidence. This is not an excuse not to take action against those who committed a crime. We will take action, but according to the law,” he told reporters after attending the Opening of the Legal Year 2013 at the Tawau court here today.
Also present at the event were Chief Justice of Malaysia Arifin Zakaria, Court of Appeal president Md Raus Sharif, Federal Court Judge Abdull Hamid Embong and Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Richard Malanjum.
Gani also urged all parties to have confidence in the RCI which he said had delved extensively into all issues which were exposed.
“Everyone knows that many were arrested [including] those with identity cards. This shows that the government is transparent. Looking at another aspect, it is a promise fulfilled.
“The prime minister [Najib Tun Razak] had said he would see to it that an RCI would be set up, and that it would be transparent and reliable. Otherwise, all these issues would not have been exposed.
“And, I am very glad and happy with it because that is what we want. Why, because the truth must come out exactly as it is,” he said.
Gani said that a mistake could have been committed earlier, and that mistake was being investigated, whether it was committed by government officers or the government itself, or there was an element of fraud or corruption, which should be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
“And, that mistake, we have to rectify… it is very important for this state [Sabah], it’s my state. We must do something. So, don’t be in a haste, let’s wait and see, just allow the RCI to do its job effectively,” he said.
In giving this assurance, he said, where there were criminal elements involved, action would be taken, and wrongs would be righted.
“Yes, if there are criminal offences, we will act. This is the government’s promise. That is why, the RCI was set up.
“However, we must remember, if we talk about criminal prosecution, we have to see whether there is sufficient evidence. In the RCI, everything that people say is acknowledged, but without evidence, we cannot accept. We can accept hearsay evidence.
“To enable us to go to court, we have to look at admissible evidence. This is not an excuse not to take action against those who committed a crime. We will take action, but according to the law,” he told reporters after attending the Opening of the Legal Year 2013 at the Tawau court here today.
Also present at the event were Chief Justice of Malaysia Arifin Zakaria, Court of Appeal president Md Raus Sharif, Federal Court Judge Abdull Hamid Embong and Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Richard Malanjum.
Gani also urged all parties to have confidence in the RCI which he said had delved extensively into all issues which were exposed.
“Everyone knows that many were arrested [including] those with identity cards. This shows that the government is transparent. Looking at another aspect, it is a promise fulfilled.
“The prime minister [Najib Tun Razak] had said he would see to it that an RCI would be set up, and that it would be transparent and reliable. Otherwise, all these issues would not have been exposed.
“And, I am very glad and happy with it because that is what we want. Why, because the truth must come out exactly as it is,” he said.
Gani said that a mistake could have been committed earlier, and that mistake was being investigated, whether it was committed by government officers or the government itself, or there was an element of fraud or corruption, which should be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
“And, that mistake, we have to rectify… it is very important for this state [Sabah], it’s my state. We must do something. So, don’t be in a haste, let’s wait and see, just allow the RCI to do its job effectively,” he said.
Prosiding kedua Jawatankuasa Suruhanjaya Siasatan (RCI) Pendatang Asing di Sabah akan diadakan pada 29 Januari hingga 1 Februari ini di Mahkamah Persekutuan, Kompleks Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Setiausaha RCI, Datuk Saripuddin Kassim dalam satu kenyataan ringkas petang ini berkata, prosiding akan bermula pukul 9.30 pagi. nail
Beliau menasihatkan orang ramai serta pihak media supaya tidak membuat sebarang kesimpulan atau andaian sehingga RCI selesai menjalankan siasatan.
Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.
Keadilan perlu ditegakkan dan kedaulatan negeri Sabah perlu dipelihara.
Prosiding bersambung semula hari ini dan besok kita boleh baca lagi mengenai perkembangan isu ini.
Kita patut menghormati permintaan Abdul Gani yang meminta semua pihak supaya memberi kepercayaan penuh kepada RCI berkenaan yang disifatkannya setakat ini telah melakukan siasatan yang benar-benar mendalam dan menyeluruh dengan semua perkara di keluarkan.
Rosnah gesa jangan politikan isu RCI di Sabah
“…sebagai rakyat Sabah, kita ingin masalah yang menghantui Sabah ini dapat diselesaikan secara baik.
“Jangan ambil peluang ini mempolitikkan isu itu untuk mencetuskan kebencian rakyat terhadap kerajaan kerana ini tidak akan membantu mana-mana pihak pun termasuk rakyat Sabah sendiri,” katanya.
Mengulas lanjut, keputusan kerajaan menubuhkan RCI bagi mencari langkah terbaik menangani masalah kebanjiran pendatang tanpa izin ke negeri itu menunjukkan keikhlasan kerajaan pusat.
Justeru katanya biarlah mereka yang terlibat, terutama anggota panel RCI, melakukan siasatan dan membuat rumusan tentang apa yang perlu dilakukan.
“Ini yang kita mahu capai, kalau mereka (pembangkang) terus bermain politik setiap kali kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh saksi-saksi…itu langsung tidak akan membantu proses ini,” katanya.
Bnayak perkara yang didedahkan sepanjang prosiding RCI berjalan, namun tiada siapa yang tahu ia betul atau tidak kerana kebanyakkan kurang disokong oleh bukti.
Demi memastikan RCI mencapai tujuan utama penubuhannya semua pihak patut bekerjasama dan mengenepikan kepenting diri/politik masing-masing. Fokus pada apa yang paling utama dulu.
RCI adlah satu kaedah dalam selesaikan isu PATI di Sabah.
semua harus beri kerjasama akan pelaksanaan RCI.
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