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Tuesday 18 December 2012

DAP Not Anti-Malay Party, Says Guan Eng

GEORGE TOWN, Dec 17 (Bernama) -- DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said on Monday the party was not anti-Malay just because no Malay candidate was elected to its central executive committee (CEC).

He said the DAP was open to all the races.

At the party's elections at its national congress last Saturday, none of the eight Malay candidates got elected to the CEC, but two of them, Senator Ariffin S.M. Omar and Zairil Khir Johari, were appointed to the CEC later.

Lim, who is the Penang chief minister, urged the media to stop carrying reports which could incite hatred in the people towards the party.

"We do not control who the delegates choose. We accept the results (of the elections). This is democracy.

"...and yet these are the parties who criticise the DAP just because we appoint two Malay members to the CEC. We accept the result and decision made by the delegates at the national congress," he told reporters here.

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